Joe Scarborough cautions Donald Trump of 'flashing red lights' in Republican presidential primary after Nikki Haley decided to stay in race

Joe Scarborough cautions Donald Trump of 'flashing red lights' in Republican presidential primary after Nikki Haley decided to stay in race
Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist warned that Donald Trump was in more danger in the Republican presidential primary than he realize (@foxnews/Youtube)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Joe Scarborough of MSNBC cautioned that Donald Trump might be facing greater jeopardy in the Republican presidential primary than he may comprehend.

Once again, the former president triumphed over challenger Nikki Haley, this time in Michigan. However, despite this victory, his former UN ambassador, Nikki Haley, intends to stay in the race until the 'Super Tuesday' primary on March 5.


Morning Joe warns of 'flashing red lights' in GOP primary results

The 'Morning Joe' host emphasized that there were evident "warning signs" in the GOP primary results from February 27.

"This is simple, it's open primaries versus closed primaries, and we've been saying all along this election is going to be won not across the fruited plains of America, it's going to be won in the suburbs of Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee," Scarborough said.

"We have in Detroit, again, I don't know, maybe people that run for office and are three-time incumbents, basically", he added.

"Maybe they're happy losing 45 percent of their own party's vote in one county in the suburbs and 33 percent in another, but I will tell you, I would be like -- I would be hiding under the sheets if I were a politician and those were the results the next day in the area I have to win, to win Michigan and win the presidency".

"These are flashing red lights for Donald Trump, and they can try to ignore them or insult Nikki Haley all they want," Scarborough emphasized.

"Donald Trump can boast about defeating Barack Obama in the upcoming election as much as he pleases. However, these numbers don't bode well."

Haley demonstrated notable strength in the Michigan suburbs. She managed to reduce the margin from 44.7 percent to 49.9 percent in Washtenaw County, situated just southwest of Detroit.

Scarborough praises Nikki Haley's courage in criticizing Trump

Scarborough believes that her criticisms of the former president, who faces four indictments, were striking a chord with voters.

"Since Donald Trump came on the scene in June 2015, you have a Republican doing something no other Republican has done," Scarborough said.

"Give Nikki Haley her due. She should have done this before, that before, but Nikki Haley is taking the incoming from Donald Trump, as Barack Obama would motion [brushing dust off his shoulder], she's doing that, and she's going state by state by state", he added.

Scarborough continued, "This is something Marco Rubio was too much of a coward to do, this is something Rand Paul was too much of a coward to do – we can take it through 2024. Nikki Haley is keeping her head down and saying, 'I'm going to keep going, I'm going to keep going harder at him, and let's see what happens.' Donald Trump hasn't had to deal with that yet in his political career."

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