'Like father, like son': Hunter Biden slammed for blaming missing handgun on Mexican workers, calling them 'shady' and 'illegal'

'Like father, like son': Hunter Biden slammed for blaming missing handgun on Mexican workers, calling them 'shady' and 'illegal'
Hunter Biden and his lawyer Abbe Lowell depart a House Oversight Committee meeting at Capitol Hill on January 10, 2024 (Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)

WILMINGTON, DELAWARE: In a newly published 2018 police report, Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, attempted to blame Mexican workers at a Delaware supermarket for his missing handgun.

The report, released among pre-trial filings by Delaware prosecutors, documents Hunter's controversial comments and actions following the disappearance of his Colt Cobra .38 handgun.

The incident unfolded on October 23, 2018, when Hallie Biden, Hunter's lover and the widow of his late brother Beau Biden, discarded his handgun in a public trash can outside Janssens Supermarket in Wilmington.

The supermarket is located across the street from a high school, heightening the urgency and concern surrounding the missing weapon.

Police investigation and Hunter Biden's comments

Delaware State Police were alerted to the situation not through a 911 call but via a phone call to Detective John Penrod from an acquaintance. Penrod, who is associated with the Delaware State Police Joint Terrorism Task Force (DSP JTTF FBI Task Force), requested a patrol supervisor to contact him regarding the suspicious gun complaint.

Sergeant Vincent Clemons, who interviewed Hunter Biden at the supermarket, detailed in his report that Hunter suggested two Mexican store workers, whom he described as "shady" and "prolly illegal," might have taken the gun. "They have some shady people working at the market," he reportedly said.

During the interview, Hunter also mentioned his father, Joe Biden, seemingly in an attempt to leverage his family's influence.

Clemons's report notes that police were particularly concerned about the proximity of the high school and the potential danger to students if the gun were found by someone unintended. The police obtained CCTV footage showing Hallie Biden disposing of the gun, further complicating the situation.

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 18: Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, attends the Easter Egg Rol
Hunter Biden attends the Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 18, 2022 in Washington, DC (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images) 

Clemons wrote that "Det Penrod (DSP JTTF FBI Task Force) requested that a Troop 1 Patrol Supervisor contact him in regards to a suspicious gun complaint."

He stated that Penrod "received a telephone call from [redacted] who is an acquaintance, reporting suspicious activity of [redacted]. According to [redacted], [Hallie] discarded a handgun into an outside trash can and she was in the owner's office at Janssens Market."

Hunter reportedly told Clemons that Hallie discarded the firearm because she was scared he would kill himself.

While denying he was suicidal, he claimed that "he has been living in a nightmare" and told Clemons "to put myself in his shoes, and try to feel what it would be like to fall in love with [redacted, his brother's widow Hallie] and then have everyone look at him."

FBI and Secret Service involvement

The report also reveals the involvement of the FBI in the search for the missing handgun. The FBI assisted local police in going through the trash at the supermarket.

Intriguingly, Hunter's text messages, obtained from his abandoned laptop and reported by the Daily Mail, suggest that Detective Penrod was facilitating a back-channel communication with the Bidens.

Hunter texted Hallie Biden on the day of the incident, saying, "Hallie have David call if something like this ever happens again." "David" referred to David I Walsh, the son of Joe Biden's former law partner and a close family friend.

The investigation led to the discovery of Hunter Biden's gun purchase form from StarQuest Shooters gun store in Wilmington. Hunter had lied on the form about not being an addict, a detail now central to the criminal charges he faces in Delaware federal court. The trial is set to begin on June 3.


Ron Palmieri, the owner of the gun store, recounted to the FBI that Secret Service agents had visited him after the incident, demanding Hunter's gun purchase form. Palmieri refused to comply and instead handed the document over to an ATF agent.

The Secret Service's involvement raised eyebrows, as they had no jurisdiction over the matter and the Bidens were not under their protection at that time. Despite Palmieri's statements under penalty of prosecution, the Secret Service continues to deny any involvement, as reiterated by their communications chief, Anthony Guglielmi.

"There is no change in our statement. We were aware of the claims made at that time and could not independently corroborate them," Anthony Guglielmi, the agency's communications chief, told the Daily Mail.

Joe Bidens face backlash on social media

The release of the police report and the details of Hunter Biden's comments have sparked significant backlash on social media. Critics have lambasted Hunter for his attempts to shift blame onto Mexican workers, accusing him and his father of hypocrisy and racism.

"The smartest man that Joe knows! Now you have an idea of why things are so screwed up!" one posted on X.

"Like father, like son. Both are liars. Both are racists. And hypocrites," another fumed.

"So I guess this is why Joe Biden wants to let everybody come over the border, So his family has Illegals to blame their crimes on," someone else quipped.

"Hummmmmm very interesting! Seeing the texts related now to charges put a new light on them. But dontcha know, it’s the Russians fault!" another offered.








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