'Still butthurt': Internet divided as Mary Trump calls for Samuel Alito's impeachment over upside-down flag controversy

'Still butthurt': Internet divided as Mary Trump calls for Samuel Alito's impeachment over upside-down flag controversy
Mary Trump has raised concerns about Republicans following the controversy surrounding Samuel Alito (Mary Trump/X, Wikipedia)

WASHINGTON, DC: In the wake of a controversial photograph depicting an upside-down American flag at the residence of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, Mary Trump, the estranged niece of Donald Trump, has ignited a fierce debate by advocating for Alito's impeachment, alleging that Republicans are exploiting the system to undermine democracy.

The image in question, captured on January 17, 2021 outside the home of conservative Justice Alito, was first reported by The New York Times on Thursday, May 16.

Upside-down flag incident before President Joe Biden's inauguration

The upside-down flag, which was observed mere days before President Joe Biden's inauguration, serves as a symbol commonly known as 'Stop the Steal,' frequently employed by Trump supporters to challenge the outcomes of the 2020 presidential election.

(Getty Images)
The inverted flag has been a symbol of opposition to Joe Biden's election as president (Getty Images)

Further, despite the absence of substantiated evidence, Trump and his supporters have persistently propagated claims of widespread voter fraud to explain his defeat to President Biden. The flag incident happened just days before Biden's inauguration and shortly after the Capitol riot on January 6.

Samuel Alito claims no involvement in flag controversy

In response to mounting scrutiny, Justice Alito distanced himself from the controversy, attributing the flag's placement solely to his wife, Martha-Ann Alito.

The justice asserted he "had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag" and said it was "briefly placed by Mrs Alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs."

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has blamed his wife for the incident (Wikipedia)

Mary Trump calls for impeachment of Justice Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas

Mary, known for her outspoken criticism of Trump, took to social media to denounce Alito and the Republican Party, alleging a deliberate effort to subvert democracy. "We don't need Alito to apologize--we need him off the Court. Republicans are leveraging the system to destroy American democracy," she declared in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.


In her fervent call to action, Mary extended her plea beyond Justice Alito, advocating for the impeachment of both Alito and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. "The least the Democrats can do is work within the system to save it. Impeach Alito and Thomas. Expand the Court to restore its legitimacy NOW," she insisted.

CT (
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (Wikipedia)

The impeachment process for a Supreme Court justice involves a vote in the House of Representatives followed by a trial in the Senate. While the House requires only a simple majority to impeach, a two-thirds majority in the Senate is necessary for conviction and removal, according to the Brennan Center for Justice.

Netizens divided over Mary Trump's urgent appeals

A user tweeted, "Thomas & Alito are masterminds of the insurrection-boosting SCOTUS conspiracy to delay Trump's criminal trial for the most dangerous coup attempt in USA history until after the election. Roberts MUST DEMAND they recuse & get the hell out of the way of the law!"


"We need and like Alito," another added. A third said, "He needs to be impeached immediately." "Because his flag flew upside down? BLOODBATH!" remarked a user.




"I see you’re still butt hurt. Why don’t you change your last name instead of riding off President Trumps name? If it weren’t for him, nobody would know who you are. And no, we’re not expanding the court," read a tweet.


"You may not need him, but the rest of us are happy to have him. What are you doing about judges Merchan, Willis, and Engoran?" questioned a user. "If only it would get past the House," wrote a user.



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