'She has zero comprehension': Internet mocks Marjorie Taylor Greene as she says red states can remove Biden from ballot over impeachment inquiry

'She has zero comprehension': Internet mocks Marjorie Taylor Greene as she says red states can remove Biden from ballot over impeachment inquiry
Marjorie Taylor Greene has floated the idea of removing Joe Biden from the ballot in Republican states (Getty Images)

DENVER, COLORADO: In an interview with Newsmax on Thursday, December 21, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) delivered a stark warning to Democrats amidst the controversy surrounding former President Donald Trump's eligibility for the Republican primary ballot in Colorado and other states.

The genesis of the dispute can be traced back to Tuesday, December 19, when the Colorado Supreme Court, invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, ruled that Trump was ineligible for the state's 2024 GOP primary ballot.

The particular section disqualifies individuals from holding office if they engage in insurrection against the Constitution after taking an oath to support it. Notably, the court's decision was made despite the absence of any formal charges of insurrection against Trump.

The legal skirmish extended beyond Colorado, prompting Democratic California Lt Gov Eleni Kounalakis to advocate for Democratic Secretary of State Shirley Weber to explore legal avenues to bar Trump from the GOP primary ballot in California.

Similar efforts in Minnesota and New Hampshire proved futile, with a decision still pending in the Michigan Supreme Court.

Greene calls for accountability

Rep Greene, a prominent voice within the Republican Party, seized the opportunity to highlight her commitment to making Democrats adhere to their own rules.

"Let's be honest," Greene said on 'Eric Bolling: The Balance'. "If the Democrats want to start making these rules, well guess what? We can use the same exact rules. For example, we could take Joe Biden off the ballot in red states and other states because he is committing treason with his border policies, and the invasion has gotten so bad at the southern border."

"We could also take his name off the ballot because of the impeachment inquiry that we've been doing on the Oversight Committee, and we produced evidence that Joe Biden has definitely participated in [son] Hunter Biden's business deals with foreign countries and sold his power for political favors, and he's received the financial benefit from that because we have the checks," she added.


Greene previously took to social media, slamming the Colorado Supreme Court's decision as an "unprecedented First Amendment violation" that must be overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).

"The Democrats and 4 Colorado judges just stole the election away from the people of Colorado and robbed them of their right to vote for President Trump," Greene wrote. "This is an unprecedented First Amendment violation that must be struck down by the SCOTUS. This can not be allowed to stand."


Social media reactions

However, Greene's statements drew sharp criticism from the opposing political aisle, with detractors taking to social media to express their disapproval.

"She has zero comprehension about what she is talking about," one posted on X (formerly Twitter).

"Oh no. Don't take Biden off the ballot in red states. Oh no," another added.

"A false narrative. Democrats didn't remove Trump from the Colorado ballot, but rather the Supreme Court of Colorado ruled that Trump is ineligible to be on the ballot because he engaged in insurrection prohibited under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment!" a comment read.

"Marge says a lot of stupid stuff. I thought she wanted a National Divorce?" someone else wrote.

"Bahahahahaha yeah well she’s a few cards shy of a full deck," another quipped.






Despite the dissent, Greene remained steadfast in her conviction that the election had been stolen from the people of Colorado.

Greene warns of a 'national divorce'

Simultaneously, the Georgia Republican issued a broader warning on social media, predicting a "national divorce" between red and blue states in the face of what she termed a "constitutional crisis" in the United States.

"America is in a constitutional crisis," Greene wrote on X. "The admin is enabling a full-scale border invasion and harboring illegal migrants. The courts are engaging in judicial tyranny. The government is politically weaponized against the people. Soon national divorce may be our only option."


The recent post on social media was not the first time Greene floated the concept of a "national divorce." In February, she advocated for separating ideological and political disagreements by states while maintaining the legal union.

Greene argued that such a divorce would allow for a shift in focus from international concerns, such as supporting Ukraine against Russia, to addressing Republicans' domestic priorities, particularly those related to the southern border.

"In a National Divorce, our Department of Defense would defend America's borders not be on the verge of WWIII with Russia and China because our overly powerful federal warlords serve Ukraine first," Greene stated at the time, Newsweek reported.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.


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