'Spot on': Internet agrees as Bill Maher warns Democrats identity politics is 'not working' anymore

'Spot on': Internet agrees as Bill Maher warns Democrats identity politics is 'not working' anymore
Bill Maher made a compelling case that pandering to racial groups is a sure way to lose elections because all these identities in America are now blurred beyond recognition (RealTime/YouTube)

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY: In a recent monologue, Bill Maher delivered a strong critique of the contemporary Democratic politics, accusing the party of being still stuck in outmoded ways of thinking. 

He said, "Today's Democrats should move on from identity politics. It's not working. It's not working for them or for us."


Bill Maher exposes pitfalls of outdated political strategies

Highlighting the repercussions of clinging to outdated strategies, Maher pointed out, "Democrats are hemorrhaging the very voters they think they're pandering to the financial times."

"Democrats are going backwards faster with voters of color than any other demographic," he added.

Bill Maher pointed out things are changing and Democrats can't be stuck in the old ways

He then observed, "A less racially divided America is an America where people vote more based on their beliefs than their identity," underscoring the evolving nature of American society, where individuals increasingly prioritize ideological alignment.

"Far-left Liberals are living in an old Paradigm. Americans don't fit into into neat little boxes anymore," he added. 

Maher also noted, "Who has the number one country song right now? Beyoncé." Besides, he highlighted Lil Nas X's groundbreaking success in country music, despite being black and gay—a departure from the genre's traditional image.

Bill Maher also noted Beyonce has the number one country song right now (RealTime/YouTube)

Maher additionally highlighted that 41% percent of Democrats cohabit with individuals who possess firearms.

Furthermore, he humorously mentioned the existence of organizations like "Gays for Trump," joking that it's widely acknowledged that members of the LGBTQ+ community have an affinity for a well-executed drag performance.

Maher's take on political realities finds resonance

Bill Maher's monologue struck a chord with audiences, drawing numerous individuals to the comments section to express their thoughts.

One person wrote, "I agree 100 percent." 


"This is the best Bill Maher monologue that I've seen in a long, long time. Team Blue - take heed, this is good important stuff," another person wrote. 


"Bill is at his very best, and relatable, when he is criticizing his own party. Completely on point here," another person agreed. "No more important words have been spoken, we need to move on from identity politics. Only hearts filled with divisiveness and hate fuel them. Keep saying it, Bill," read one comment. 


"Always SPOT ON, Bill Maher…your depth, compassion, and keeping it real. By the way, I create my own box on ethnicity questions - HUMAN," read another comment. "The real divide is class," someone else wrote. 


This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online 

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