Stephen Colbert decodes signs Trump is regretting decision to pick JD Vance as his running mate

Stephen Colbert decodes signs Trump is regretting decision to pick JD Vance as his running mate
Stephen Colbert humorously suggested Donald Trump might be regretting his decision to choose JD Vance as his VP pick (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert/YouTube, Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: On the recent episode of 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,' host Stephen Colbert  joked that Donald Trump was probably regretting his decision to pick Senator JD Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate for the 2024 election.

Stephen Colbert’s segment explored the fallout of Trump’s choice, revealing a significant rift between the former president and his running mate.

Trump chose Vance as his running mate in July. However, many Republicans are reportedly worried that Vance may not add much value to Trump's campaign. The resurfacing of his “childless cat ladies” comment only made matters worse as Democrats stepped up attacks against him, labeling him "weird".

Stephen Colbert unpacks Donald Trump’s subtle snub of JD Vance

Stephen Colbert humorously hinted that Donald Trump is perhaps not happy with his decision of picking JD Vance as his running mate. He highlighted a revealing moment when Trump reportedly threw Vance under the bus.

At a recent fundraiser, Trump was questioned about criticisms the Republican ticket was facing, especially being called "weird".

To this, Trump responded saying, “Not about me. They're saying that about JD,” indicating that the disparaging remarks were directed at Vance, not at him.

(Getty Images)
Reports indicate Donald Trump may not be happy with his choice of running mate for the 2024 race (Getty Images)

Colbert said sarcastically, "That’s nice. Nice teamwork."

The host juxtaposed this with a dramatic analogy, likening Trump distancing him from Vance to the ending of 'Thelma & Louise', with Trump essentially saying, "See you, weirdo."

In his commentary, Colbert noted that Vance remains unwaveringly loyal to Trump, despite the reportedly growing strain.

He pointed to Vance’s recent appearance on 'This Week' with Jonathan Karl where Vance defended Trump’s 2022 controversial dinner with Nick Fuentes, a known white supremacist who has openly criticized Vance’s own interracial marriage.

Stephen Colbert highlights JD Vance's attempts to keep defending Donald Trump

JD Vance downplayed the implications of Donald Trump’s association with Nick Fuentes, suggesting that engaging in conversation doesn’t mean endorsing someone’s views.

Vance said, “The one thing I like about Donald Trump, Jon, is that he actually will talk to anybody but just because he talk to somebody doesn’t mean you endorse their views.”


Vance further defended Trump against allegations of being a racist by saying, "And look, I mean, Donald Trump’s spent a lot of quality time with my wife. Every time he sees her, he gives her a hug, tells us she’s beautiful, and jokes around with her a little bit."

Vance's wife Usha is of Indian heritage.

Colbert humorously said, “Maybe you should be. He hugs my wife, says she's so beautiful, and they’re taking a salsa dancing class together. Just yesterday he said to me, ‘Hey JD, why don’t you go buy me and your wife some chicken wings?’”

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