'This would break the Internet': Andrew Tate fans over the moon as he wishes to interview Vivek Ramaswamy

'This would break the Internet': Andrew Tate fans over the moon as he wishes to interview Vivek Ramaswamy
Andrew Tate's fans assert he would break the internet if he interviewed Vivek Ramaswamy (cobratate/X, GettyImages)

BUCHAREST, ROMANIA: Andrew Tate, the polarizing social media figure, has sparked a buzz among his followers by expressing interest in interviewing Vivek Ramaswamy.

Tate recently gained attention for his statement regarding a newly discovered tunnel beneath a synagogue in New York City.

In a post aimed at conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, the controversial former kickboxer insinuated a connection between the synagogue and a nearby children's museum through the underground passage.

However, fact-checkers have debunked Andrew Tate's specific claim. While a tunnel was indeed found beneath a Crown Heights synagogue, it does not extend to the children's museum across the street. This discrepancy led to Tate becoming the target of ridicule on social media.

Andrew Tate (@Cobratate/ Twitter)
Andrew Tat's fans elated after he announces he wants to interview Vivek Ramaswamy (@Cobratate/ Twitter)

Andrew Tate wishes to interview Vivek Ramaswamy

Fans of Top G got excited when Tate made a post on platform X mentioning American politician and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, creating a buzz in the comments section. Tate tweeted, "I should interview @VivekGRamaswamy."


His fans enthusiastically supported the idea, suggesting that an interview could potentially break the internet.

Ramaswamy, a former presidential candidate for 2024 who withdrew from the campaign, participated in a broadcast on platform X recently with Tate, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, among others.

During the live stream, Ramaswamy became the subject of ridicule when he appeared to be caught on a hot mic while using the restroom during the X Space broadcast. Even Jones made a joke about the incident.

Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy took the stage during a GOP debate and explained how he plans to curb gun violence in the US (@vivekgramaswamy/Instagram)
Top G's fans want Andrew Tate to interview Vivek Ramaswamy (@vivekgramaswamy/Instagram)

Ramaswamy has also been making waves on the internet with various activities, including facing mockery and trolling after claiming that federal agents were involved in the January 6 Capitol attack.

Despite the jest surrounding Ramaswamy, social media users also praised him for not disclosing the specific role he would seek if former President Donald Trump were to return to the White House.

This commendation came after his conversation with Fox News host Sean Hannity, where he expressed support for Donald Trump.

Top G's fans assert Andrew Tate and Vivek Ramaswamy in an interview woud be 'unique'

A user wrote, "This would break the internet"


Another user wrote, "If Andrew Tate and Vivek Ramaswamy were to have an interview, it would definitely be a unique experience."


A user commented, "I think this would actually be a good dialogue. Interested to hear it."


Another user commented, "Yes you should. It would be epic".


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