'MAGA cult lie': Tom Cotton faces Internet's wrath as he claims Biden has weaponized DOJ against some Democrats

'MAGA cult lie': Tom Cotton faces Internet's wrath as he claims Biden has weaponized DOJ against some Democrats
During his NBC appearance, Tom Cotton cited various examples of Joe Biden allegedly weaponizing the Justice Department against some people (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Republican Senator Tom Cotton recently came under fire for suggesting that President Joe Biden is using the Department of Justice (DOJ) not only against former president Donald Trump but also against certain Democrats.

The Arkansas Senator's comments, made during a Sunday, June 2, appearance on NBC's 'Meet the Press' with Peter Alexander, have drawn sharp criticism and widespread ridicule online, Mediaite reported.


Tom Cotton claims Joe Biden is using DOJ to target Democrats critical of his policies

During the interview, Tom Cotton argued that the DOJ’s federal indictments of Senator Bob Menendez, Representative Henry Cuellar, and the FBI investigation into New York City Mayor Eric Adams, are all examples of Biden allegedly weaponizing the department.

Alexander, filling in as the show's moderator, referenced these cases to counter the idea that the DOJ is biased against Republicans, also mentioning Hunter Biden’s upcoming federal gun charges trial.

"Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is also right now prosecuting cases against Democrats. Robert Menendez, a Democrat of New Jersey, Henry Cuellar, the Democratic representative from Texas, and Hunter Biden, the case against Hunter Biden on those gun charges begins tomorrow," Alexander pointed out.

In response, Cotton suggested a pattern. "I’ve noticed that Joe Biden’s Department of Justice tends to target the Democrats that are critical of Joe Biden," Cotton said, citing Menendez’s criticism of Biden’s Iran policy and Cuellar’s opposition to his immigration policies.

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 06: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference in the State
Tom Cotton alleged that Joe Biden plans to pardon his son Hunter Biden after the presidential election (Getty Images)

When Alexander pressed him on the seeming inconsistency of this argument, asking why Biden would weaponize the DOJ against his own son, Cotton responded, "Hunter Biden is guilty of so many crimes he can barely even keep track of them, unlike Donald Trump, for whom they never even revealed the alleged crime that he’s supposedly tried to cover up."

Alexander didn't let the contradiction go unnoticed. He questioned Cotton on why, if Biden were weaponizing the DOJ, he wouldn't simply quash the case against his son.

"Just to be clear, if he was weaponizing the Justice Department, wouldn’t he want to keep any case away from his own son?" Alexander asked.

Cotton then claimed that the DOJ had attempted to rig a settlement in Hunter’s favor, which was scrapped by judicial scrutiny.

"His own justice department tried to rig a settlement. They were forced by a judge asking questions of the prosecutor and Hunter Biden’s defense attorneys," he said.

When pressed further on why Biden wouldn't just eliminate the case entirely if he were truly weaponizing the DOJ, Cotton doubled down, alleging that Biden plans to pardon his son after the presidential election.

"Well, because he’s going to pardon his own son after the election. And that’s what you should ask Joe Biden at the White House sometime is, 'Do you commit to not pardon Hunter Biden after the election?'" Cotton suggested.

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 05: Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., speaks during a Senate Intelligence Committee nomi
Tom Cotton claimed that Joe Biden is using the DOJ to target Democrats critical of his policies (Getty Images)

Tom Cotton’s conspiracy theory about Joe Biden's weaponization of DOJ draws flak online

Tom Cotton’s conspiracy theory about Joe Biden's weaponization of the DOJ did not sit well with many on social media.

Commenting on the article, one social media user remarked, "This fake Army Ranger has the IQ of a walnut and personality of a roof shingle."

Another user referred to his reasoning as "Pretzel Logic from Trumpists."

"Tom Cotton is not just deeply dishonest. What’s shocking about him is that for a guy who graduated from Harvard he is so very, very stupid," one user commented.

Another added, "Logic isn’t Cotton’s strong point. He’s best at spouting out MAGA Cult lies."

One individual wrote, "'Dumber than cotton’ isn’t a saying for nothing," while another commented, "Republican ivy league elites sure are ranting teenage mean girls."

The criticism continued, with one user stating, "Cotton is one shameless dumbo," while another quipped, "Folks, this is what BDS (Biden derangement syndrome) looks like. Tom Cotton has it bad."

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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