'Good at making bad choices': Trump mocked for considering Ken Paxton for AG if he is elected president

'Good at making bad choices': Trump mocked for considering Ken Paxton for AG if he is elected president
Donald Trump said he’d consider Texas’ Ken Paxton for Attorney General (Getty Images, @KenPaxtonTX/X)

DALLAS, TEXAS: Former President Donald Trump expressed his support for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton at a Dallas event on Saturday, May 18, suggesting that he could be a potential nominee for US attorney general if he secures another presidential term.

In a personal interview, Trump stated he would indeed contemplate appointing Paxton to the cabinet role if he were to win against President Joe Biden in the upcoming November election.

"He's very, very talented," Trump said of Paxton. "I mean, we have a lot of people that want that one and will be very good at it. But he's a very talented guy."

Trump and Ken Paxton's bond extends over years

The remarks were made at the National Rifle Association's annual convention, where both Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott spoke, advocating for Trump's return to the presidency.

The bond between Trump and Paxton extends over several years, with Paxton and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick being among the former president's most steadfast supporters in Texas, according to USA Today.

When discussing Paxton's potential future and his possible move to a federal position, Trump mentioned his opposition to Paxton's impeachment the previous year, following the Texas House's decisive vote for his removal.

Ken Paxton/X
Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX/ X)

Paxton defended his innocence in the run-up to a Senate impeachment trial on 20 charges, including bribery and abuse of office, while Trump used social media to express contempt for the process and refer to it as a political witch hunt.

Following Paxton's September acquittal on all charges by the Senate, which was decidedly bipartisan, Trump claimed credit for the outcome due to his intervention on social media.

"I fought for him when he had the difficulty, and we won," Trump said during the interview before taking the NRA convention stage. "He had some people really after him, and I thought it was very unfair. He's been a very good attorney general."

How did Ken Paxton return the favor?

In return, Paxton supported Trump in New York during the former president's ongoing "hush money" trial, which involved payments and a relationship with the adult film star Stormy Daniels.

"With President Trump in NYC to sit through this sham of a trial," Paxton, a Republican serving his third term, stated in a post on his personal X account on April 30. "This trial is a travesty of justice. I stand with Trump."


Although Trump has initially signaled approval, this does not ensure a smooth path for Paxton to head the US Department of Justice.

The confirmation of a US attorney general, whether nominated by Trump or Biden, depends on the consent of the US Senate, which is currently divided with a slight Democratic majority of 51-49.

Senator John Cornyn of Texas has been a vocal critic of Ken Paxton

Additionally, Paxton may face opposition from within his own party, notably from Senator John Cornyn of Texas.

Cornyn was the most vocal and prominent Republican to criticize Paxton, amid the allegations that resulted in Paxton's impeachment last year and the ongoing federal investigation into his actions.

Additionally, Cornyn has reprimanded Paxton for the three securities fraud felony charges that lingered for almost ten years before being dismissed under a deferred prosecution agreement in March.

In February, a string of Twitter disputes saw Paxton label Cornyn an inauthentic Republican, while Cornyn publicly criticized Paxton's numerous legal challenges, quipping, "Hard to run from prison, Ken."


Additionally, senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah have been mentioned as potential candidates for the attorney general position in a prospective second term for Trump.

Internet criticized Trump for 'making bad choices'

After the news went viral on the internet, users started criticizing Trump for picking Paxton as a potential AG. One wrote, "Trump just keeps looking for the worst possible people to fill the most important positions. He’d hire Dr. Mengele to replace Dr. Fauci if he could."


Another user added, "Criminals flock together. The Republican Party is irredeemable."


The third commentator remarked, "Paxton belongs in JAIL, next to TRUMP."


"Trump seems to be good at making bad choices!" a person concluded.


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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