Donald Trump called 'delusional' for attacking Joe Biden with 'low IQ' remark during his Dallas NRA speech

Donald Trump called 'delusional' for attacking Joe Biden with 'low IQ' remark during his Dallas NRA speech
Donald Trump and President Joe Biden have agreed to participate in two televised debates before the 2024 presidential election (Getty Images)

DALLAS, TEXAS: Donald Trump suggested that President Joe Biden's bar for success in this year's presidential debates is set quite low, implying that the media will praise him even if he manages to stay upright, comparing it to Franklin D Roosevelt's performance.

The two candidates have agreed to participate in two televised debates before the November presidential election, DailyMail reported.

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The 77-year-old MAGA strongman exuded confidence during his speech on Saturday at the National Rifle Association, stating that he had no reservations about facing his 81-year-old opponent.

What did Donald Trump say about Biden’s chances in debates during the NRA event?

The former president addressed the Dallas crowd, saying, “You know there is a genius to what I'm doing.”

“You do know that I go from here to there, and it all comes back into a beautiful picture,” Trump remarked, adding, “It's a beautiful thing.”

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Subsequently, the 2024 presumptive GOP nominee acknowledged the "low-IQ individual" whom he had claimed he would debate with.

Trump declared, “If this horrible individual finishes the debate, which I think he will ... if he's standing, if he's standing, they'll say it was a brilliant performance.”

“It was a brilliant performance. They've never seen anything like it ... very much reminiscent of the days of FDR,” the ex-POTUS added.

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Trump said that former president Franklin D Roosevelt possessed a " beautiful patrician voice, magnificent voice, great debater."

The two presidential contenders are scheduled to debate one another on CNN and ABC News on June 27 and September 10, respectively.

The candidates agreed to the meetings which was confirmed during a flurry of announcements released on Wednesday, May 15.

Trump trolled for 'low IQ' remark about Biden during his speech at the pro-guns event

Social media users blasted the former president for attacking Biden at the NRA event in Dallas. One X user remarked, "Trump calling someone else 'low iq' is laughable."


Another said, "Fun fact: actual geniuses don’t go around telling people they’re geniuses."


One person wrote, "For a genius, he's one helluva dumb***."


Another asked, "You do realise that Trump 45 is his IQ?"


One X user remarked, "So delusional."


One individual tweeted, "It will certainly be amusing to watch Trump debate without an audience. Can’t wait."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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