Trump trolled for saying Joe Biden's 'weakness and surrender' led to drone strike that killed 3 US soldiers in Jordan

Trump trolled for saying Joe Biden's 'weakness and surrender' led to drone strike that killed 3 US soldiers in Jordan
Former President Donald Trump blamed Joe Biden for an Iran-backed attack that claimed the lives of 3 American soldiers in Jordan (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Former President Donald Trump has issued a stark warning, declaring, "We are on the brink of World War Three," as he placed blame on President Joe Biden for an Iran-backed attack that claimed the lives of three American soldiers in Jordan.

The attack, executed through a suicide drone strike on a remote compound near the Syrian border, prompted a heated exchange between Trump and the Biden administration. In a fiery post on his Truth Social account, Trump criticized the current administration's perceived "weakness and surrender."

Donald Trump says we are on the 'brink of World War III'

"This brazen attack on the United States is yet another horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden's weakness and surrender," Trump wrote on Sunday, January 28.

"This attack would NEVER have happened if I was President, not even a chance - Just like the Iranian-backed Hamas attack on Israel would never have happened, the War in Ukraine would never have happened, and we would right now have Peace throughout the World. Instead, we are on the brink of World War 3," he continued.


Trump argued that his "Maximum Pressure" policy had Iran "weak, broke, and totally under control" during his tenure.

"Thanks to my Maximum Pressure policy, the Iranian Regime could barely scrape two dollars together to fund their terrorist proxies," he wrote. "Then Joe Biden came in and gave Iran billions of dollars, which the Regime has used to spread bloodshed and carnage throughout the Middle East. This attack would NEVER have happened if I was President, not even a chance."

Promising a return to his policies if he wins the November election, Trump stressed the need for a strategy of "PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH."

"This terrible day is yet more proof that we need an immediate return to PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, so that there will be no more chaos, no more destruction, and no more loss of precious American lives. Our Country cannot survive with Joe Biden as Commander in Chief," he added.


Responding to Trump's critique, Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates defended Biden's actions.

"As President Biden said today, we will respond decisively at a time and place of our choosing," Bates said in a statement to the Daily Mail. "President Biden has acted swiftly and forcefully to hold the Iranian backers of these hostile groups accountable – including with multiple air strikes," he added.

"Attempts by far-right congressional Republicans to politicize our national security are illogical and detrimental to our safety and security. In fact, these Republican officials never criticized the previous administration when the same militias attacked American troops, including in 2020," Bates said. 

"If congressional Republicans share President Biden's priority of holding Iran accountable, they should back his retaliation against the groups who committed today's acts, as well as the national security supplemental request – and they should stop giving Iran a pass for helping Russia attack Ukraine," Bates added. 

Donald Trump slammed for accusing Joe Biden of enabling 'bloodshed' 

Meanwhile, Trump's critics on social media slammed him for his comments.

"You had no policies," one posted on X.

"Speaking of scraping 2 dollars together has Trump come up with his bond for his appeal yet?" another wrote.

"The exact wrong reaction is overreaction (which will lead to escalation) but Trump will do everything he can to antagonize Americans into “thinking” it’s the only move and Biden into thinking it’s the best and that’s a great example of how trump effectively works for our enemies," someone else added.




Critics slams Joe Biden after Iran-backed attack that left US soldiers dead 

Biden was excoriated In the mainstream press.

Max Boot, a columnist for the Washington Post and a Trump critic, argued that the administration needed to do more against Iran, suggesting a replication of Trump's drone strike that killed Major General Qasem Soleimani in 2020.

"That did not stop the Quds Force from continuing to support militias across the region, but, according to retired Gen Kenneth 'Frank' McKenzie Jr, then the head of US Central Command, the killing of Soleimani did disrupt and deter Iranian attempts to target US personnel in Iraq," Boot wrote.

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 26: U.S. President Joe Biden pauses while listening to a question from a rep
Joe Biden was slammed by critics for the attack that killed 3 US soldiers in Jordan (Getty Images)

Meanwhile, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul accused the Biden administration of weakness on Iran, asserting that their Middle East policy had eroded deterrence and endangered national security.

"Iran's proxies have launched over 150 attacks on US troops since October, as the Iran-backed Houthis attack global shipping, and Iran-backed Hezbollah and Hamas attack our ally Israel," McCaul wrote. "The Biden administration's failed Middle East policy has destroyed our deterrence against adversaries in the Middle East. We need a major reset of our Middle East policy to protect our national security interests and restore deterrence," he added. 

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