Internet divided as Trump campaign calls for Biden debates to be held 'much earlier' and more often

'Another desperate attempt': Internet divided as Trump campaign calls for Biden debates to be held 'much earlier' and more often
Donald Trump is ready to debate President Joe Biden 'anywhere, anytime, anyplace' (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Former President Donald Trump's campaign has demanded more presidential debates with President Joe Biden, and asked for them to be scheduled "much earlier" than the dates proposed by the Debate Commission, Fox News reported.

In an open letter sent to the Commission on Presidential Debates on Thursday, April 11, the GOP presumptive nominee's co-campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita wrote, "While the Commission on Presidential Debates has already announced three presidential debates and a vice-presidential debate to occur later this year, we are in favor of these debates beginning much earlier."

At present, the Commission has scheduled three debates on September 16 in San Marcos and Texas, October 1 in Petersburg, Virginia, and October 9 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Trump team argues early and mail-in voting starts before debate

The former president's team pointed out that the debate dates were "too late" in light of early and mail-in voting beginning much earlier, arguing that in 2020, tens of millions of Americans had already cast their votes before the first debate.

"By the date of the first proposed debate, September 16, 2024, over 1 million Americans will have likely voted," Wiles and LaCivita wrote.

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA - OCTOBER 13: Mail-in ballots sit in trays before being sorted at the Santa Cla
Early and mail-in voting will start much before the first presidential debate scheduled on September 16 (Getty Images)

"By the date of the second proposed debate, October 1, 2024, the number of Americans who will have likely cast a ballot will be over 3 million, an increase of 225%," they argued, adding by the third debate on October 9, which will take place nearly a month from Election day, "approximately 8.7 million Americans will have already voted."

The Trump campaign further claimed that in the 2020 election year, the American voters "were robbed of a true and robust debate," as the Commission hosted only two debates "much too late in the election calendar despite voting timelines having moved up exponentially."

Donald Trump to debate Joe Biden 'anywhere, anytime, anyplace'

Speaking to Fox News on April 11, Trump stressed on the importance of debates, claiming it is "very important to have the debates now because the country is doing so badly," in light of the border crisis, national security, US' global position, increasing crime, and the economy.

"The country is in such trouble. What are Biden's plans?" the Republican White House hopeful asked. "I would fully accept any debate, anywhere, anytime, anyplace," he said, adding that his opponent "perhaps" would commit to a debate on critical issues.

US President Joe Biden speaks during a news conference following the Group of Seven (G-7) leaders summit on May 21, 2023 in Hiroshima, Japan. President Biden called Republican demands for sharp spending cuts unacceptable and said he'll talk with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy about debt-ceiling and budget negotiations on his flight back from Japan. The G7 summit will be held in Hiroshima from May 19-22.
President Joe Biden has not yet debated his GOP opponent  (Getty Images)

"I think it is important that we debate and the earlier the better because people have to find out what is going on with America. We are no longer respected around the world. There are so many things that are happening," the ex-president added.

Despite entering the general election race in early March for a Biden-Trump rematch in November, neither party has come head-to-head to debate. In March, Biden said that debating with his GOP opponent would depend on Trump's" behavior."

So far into the race, Trump has refused to debate even his GOP opponents during the primary, and the Biden campaign has not yet committed to debate the former president.

Trump campaign's call splits Internet

Responding to the Trump campaign's demand for an early debate with Biden, netizens split into two sides. While one called out Trump's hypocrisy, another claimed Biden was scared.

One user wrote, "Another desperate attempt to distract from his trials. Oh is one starting on Monday?" Meanwhile, another remarked, "Biden is scared."



"Same man who refused to debate any of his GOP challengers?" a third user questioned. On the other hand, a fourth response read, "Biden can't debate! He debates himself every time he steps to the mic, then loses."



Someone else argued, "Donald Trump hasn't conceded the last election. He doesn't deserve the platform of a debate. I hope the President says NO." Meanwhile, an individual said, "@potus

biden won’t though. He will hide like the coward that he is."



"In the end Trump won't do it. He'll object to the rules, moderators, locale, anything to get out of it," read one remark. Another added, "That’s like asking an alcoholic to quit drinking. Biden doesn’t have a spine.."



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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