Bernie Sanders to boycott Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's speech citing ‘worst humanitarian disaster’

Bernie Sanders to boycott Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's speech citing ‘worst humanitarian disaster’
Bernie Sanders said he will boycott Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's speech (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Senator Bernie Sanders has announced his decision to boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech in Congress.

This comes amid increasing opposition from Democrats against Speaker Mike Johnson’s efforts to extend an invitation to Netanyahu.

Bernie Sanders criticizes Benjamin Netanyahu’s actions and says Gaza is 'starving' 

Johnson had earlier stated that he expects Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to approve Netanyahu’s visit despite ongoing debates over the Israeli leader’s right to address a joint session of Congress.

This controversy stems from severe criticism of Israel’s strategy in the Israel-Hamas war.

“Look, you have a prime minister who has created the worst humanitarian disaster in modern history," Sanders said in an interview with CNN.

"Israel, of course, had the right to defend itself against the Hamas terrorist attack, but what Netanyahu has done is go to war against — all-out war — against the entire Palestinian people, women and children," he said, according to The Hill. 


“Five percent of the population is now dead or wounded. 60 percent of them are women and children. Some 200,000 housing units have been completely destroyed," Sanders said, further highlighting the dire situation in Gaza.

"Every university in Gaza has been bombed. There is now imminent starvation taking place," Sanders said.

More Democrats call Benjamin Netanyahu 'war criminal' and a 'menace'

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has filed an application for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his defense minister over war crimes, accusing the Israeli leaders of directly targeting civilians and using starvation as a weapon of war.

This move by the ICC has been harshly criticized by the Israeli government and the Biden administration.

A House bill to sanction the international court is expected to reach a vote in the coming weeks, according to the reports. 

Democratic congressman for Wisconsin Mark Pocan stated that the ICC’s move has ruined the prime minister’s credibility.

“I don’t expect much from Netanyahu anymore. I barely consider him a world leader. I consider him a war criminal, at this point," Pocan said.

“I boycotted his last visit. I certainly will not attend this one,” Jan Schakowsky, a Jewish Democrat representing Illinois said. 

She also characterized Netanyahu as “a menace.” “It’s not going to help move us forward — it’s a detriment,” she continued, adding “Should he come for any reason, in any venue, I am not going to be there."

Benjamin Netanyahu said Israelis are confident in his government (Getty Images)
Democrats like Jan Schakowsky and Mark Pocan have also criticized Benjamin Netanyahu (Getty Images)

Internet reacts to Bernie Sanders' decision to boycott Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech 

The internet has reacted to Sanders’ decision to boycott Netanyahu’s speech with users expressing criticism and support too. 

“If Putin was giving a speech, Sanders would shine his shoes,” one user wrote while another added, “Bernie honeymooned in Russia. He is a known commie antisemite.”

However, some users supported Bernie’s decision with one stating, “I’m sure Netanyahu won’t care. I agree with Bernie, though. Why should a man as evil and violent as Netanyahu have the privilege of addressing Congress?”

Another user commented, “No American should attend a speech by a war criminal and an indicted corrupt foreign leader. Congressional leaders, both Democrat and Republican, who are organizing this should be voted out of office.”

There were comments on YouTube that described Republicans were on the wrong side of history. "Imagine inviting a war criminal to speak to a joint session of Congress. These guys are soooo on the wrong side of history," one user wrote.

Another comment read, "Condemning Israeli war crimes is not antisemitic." One more wrote, "As Netanyahu gives his speech, there will be 10s of thousands on the mall and in front of congress demonstrating, not a good optic for Israel … Bernie is a national treasure."





This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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