'But he is': Jill Biden shredded as she insists husband Joe is 'not losing all battleground states' despite dismal polling data

'But he is': Jill Biden shredded as she insists husband Joe is 'not losing all battleground states' despite dismal polling data
First Lady Jill Biden stepped up to defend her husband, President Joe Biden, amidst a flurry of concerns over his recent polling numbers (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: First Lady Jill Biden stepped up to defend her husband, President Joe Biden, amidst a flurry of concerns over his recent polling numbers.

On Wednesday morning, April 3, the FLOTUS countered the narrative of her husband's diminishing lead against former President Donald Trump in crucial swing states. Her remarks came shortly after a Wall Street Journal poll revealed concerning statistics for the Biden camp.

Joe Biden defends polling numbers

Refuting claims of a widespread downturn in support, Jill assured viewers that her husband was not faltering in all battleground states. "No, he's not losing in all the battleground states," she asserted during an appearance on CBS Mornings.

"I feel that Joe will be re-elected," she said. "He's coming up even or doing better. So you know what, once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that Joe will win this election."


Polling data shows Donald Trump's surge

However, the latest poll data paints a different picture. According to the Wall Street Journal poll released the previous evening, Trump appears to be gaining ground in several key states. In Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada, Trump leads Biden by varying margins, with the gap widening particularly in Michigan and North Carolina.

The numbers at this point, per WSJ, are Michigan (48-45%), Pennsylvania (47-44%), Georgia (44-43%), North Carolina (49-43%), Arizona (47-42%) and Nevada (48-44%).

Even in Wisconsin, traditionally a Democratic stronghold, the race is neck and neck, with Biden barely edging out Trump when considering independent candidates.

Trump and Biden are basically tied in Wisconsin at 46% each, but the latter enjoys a three-point advantage when including independent candidates Robert F Kennedy Jr and Cornel West, as well as Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Libertarian Lars Mapstead.

Kennedy reportedly pulled 10% of voter support in Wisconsin, while the other third-party candidates garnered 1% each, and 9% were undecided. Despite facing hurdles to secure ballot access nationwide, Kennedy's team remains optimistic about their prospects in several states, including Nevada, Utah, and North Carolina.


Joe Biden's response and campaign efforts

The poll results are undoubtedly a cause for concern for the Biden camp, especially considering his previous victories in six out of seven states surveyed during the 2020 election. President Biden, however, remains adamant about his chances of success, citing undisclosed national polls that purportedly show him leading Trump.

“While we probably haven’t read a lot about it, in the last few days, there have been several national polls showing us leading now,” Biden said while campaigning in North Carolina last week.

“While we probably haven’t read a lot about it, in the last few days, there have been five national polls,” the president told supporters in Houston earlier in March. “The press — well, I like the press, but they don’t talk about it very much. Five national polls having us leading since my State of the Union address.”

Yet, skepticism lingers over the validity of such claims, given the lack of concrete evidence.

LONG BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 13:  U.S. President Joe Biden attends a rally in support of California Go
President Joe Biden remains adamant about his chances of success (David McNew/Getty Images)

Undeterred by the polling setbacks, President Biden has intensified his campaign efforts, personally visiting each of the battleground states in recent weeks.

Moreover, his campaign touted the significant financial backing they've received, fueled by generous donors and high-profile fundraisers featuring luminaries like former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, the New York Post reported.

Social media backlash

Social media erupted with reactions following Jill Biden's defense of her husband's polling numbers.

"Yes, he is losing Dr Jill," one posted on X.

"Oh but he is @FLOTUS," another added.

"Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, Dr. Biden," someone else quipped.

"She’s the worst," another chimed in.








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