Donald Trump gets booed on stage during Libertarian convention speech, Internet calls it 'music to our ears'

Donald Trump gets booed on stage during Libertarian convention speech, Internet calls it 'music to our ears'
Donald Trump addressed the Libertarian National Convention at Washington on Saturday, May 25, 2024 (Screengrab/C-SPAN)

WASHINGTON, DC: Former President Donald Trump was incessantly booed when he took the stage to address the attendees at the Libertarian Party National Convention on Saturday, May 25.

According to AP News, criticisms hurled at the former president included his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, running up towering federal deficits, and lying about his political record.

Donald Trump facing detractors

The crowd at the conference was very different from the adoring groups that the presumptive GOP nominee was used to in his rallies. Libertarians, who prioritize small government and individual freedoms, were reportedly divided over him being invited to speak.

While some sported MAGA merchandise and chanted “USA! USA!” others jeered throughout his speech.

In a bid to win over his audience, Trump praised the “fierce champions of freedom in this room” and attacked incumbent Joe Biden as a "tyrant" and the “worst president in the history of the United States,” to which the audience yelled back, "That’s you.”

Trump did lash out at the crowd at one point, stating, "You don’t want to win” and that some Libertarians wanted to “keep getting your 3% every four years.” It was a jab at Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, who won about 3% of the national vote in 2016.

However, he tried to brave through his address, mentioning that he had come “to extend a hand of friendship” in common opposition to Biden. While some cheered in his support, they were easily suppressed by the cries of “End the Fed!” — a common refrain from Libertarians who oppose the Federal Reserve.

Trump further promised to include a Libertarian in his Cabinet if he won the election, but was met with hisses of disbelief.

A person in attendance was also dragged away by security personnel for reportedly holding up a sign that read, "No wannabe dictators!”

Internet joins in to mock Trump at the Libertarian convention

A clip uploaded on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) showed the former President getting booed as he claimed to have put "everything on the line" to defend the freedom of the American people at the Libertarian National Convention.


Reacting to the post, a user wrote, "Trump getting booed is hilarious."


"Everyone is sick and tired of this fool!" stated another.


"Trump’s face is literally changing color from orange to red in front of our very eyes," jibed a third.



"Music to my ears," shared a fourth.


"Best Saturday night viewing ever!" commented a fifth.



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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