George Conway blasts Laura Loomer for attacking daughter Claudia over 'talking s**t' about Donald Trump

George Conway blasts Laura Loomer for attacking daughter Claudia over 'talking s**t' about Donald Trump
George Conway fiercely defended his daughter Claudia against attacks from Laura Loomer and other MAGA supporters on social media (Getty images/ Claudia Conway/X)

LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA: George Conway has defended his 18-year-old daughter Claudia against attacks from Laura Loomer and other MAGA supporters on social media.

The exchange began when Claudia's mother, Kellyanne Conway, referred to Donald Trump as "resilient" and a "fighter" after his conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business documents. Claudia responded by highlighting Trump's felonious status in a repost of her mother's comment.

 Laura Loomer's vicious attacks on Claudia Conway

In response, Laura Loomer, a far-right political figure, took to social media to criticize Claudia's decision to sell adult content online, using harsh language to disparage her.

"It’s wild to me that this spoiled brat has 2 millionaires as parents," Laura remarked on June 3. "One who worked for Trump, and the other who just donated $1 million to Joe Biden. And she is selling herself online for $5 a month."

In another post, she wrote: "Keep talking s**t about Donald Trump, @claudiamconwayy. I’ll be here all day to remind you how worthless you are and how badly your parents failed at raising you."



George Conway, in turn, called out Loomer and other Trump supporters for their vicious attacks on Claudia, asking his followers to report such behavior and express their disapproval.

"Laura Loomer (whom Trump apparently wanted to hire), along with an online mob of other Trump/MAGA supporters, have been attacking @claudiamcomwayy in the most vile of terms, simply because she noted that Donald Trump is a convicted felon," he shared this week.

"Please help me report these vile people, and please let these vile people know what you think," Conway wrote, addressing the online bullying directed at his daughter.


Kellyanne Conway stands by her daughter

Despite their political disparities, Kellyanne Conway also defended her daughter, emphasizing Claudia's intelligence and independence while condemning those who attacked her.

"Claudia is beautiful, brilliant, loved, supported & forms her own opinions," Kellyanne tweeted in defense of her daughter. "Anyone who has something to say about her is just jealous and wrong."


However, Loomer continued her onslaught against Kellyanne, questioning her competence and suggesting she's overpaid considering her inability to manage her own household.

"Why is Kellyanne getting paid over $20,000 a month by the RNC when she can’t even keep her own house in order?" Loomer tweeted. "I truly believe that Kellyanne Conway has always been more trouble than she is actually worth."

Public outrage against Laura Loomer's attacks

The online community responded with condemnation and support for Claudia Conway after Laura Loomer's attacks.

One user wrote, "Loomer is jealous because Claudia is gorgeous."


Another said, "Sorry you are dealing with this. She is vile."


One user said, "Laura Loomer is total garbage. Sorry you have to deal with her insanity. She’s a nut job."


Another said, "I hope Claudia files suit for defamation and shuts Laura up for good. Great to see you and Kellyanne coming out swinging in her defense. #ParentingWin."


One added, "Awful and beyond reprehensible!"


Anothersaid, "Wow. Laura is horrible. Reported her posts."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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