Internet agrees Samuel Alito ‘compromised the judicial system’ as Steve Cohen introduces resolution to censure him over upside-down flag

Internet agrees Samuel Alito ‘compromised the judicial system’ as Steve Cohen introduces resolution to censure him over upside-down flag
Steve Cohen asserted that the flag incident was Samuel Alito's 'shameless demonstration of his political bias' (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Nationwide furore erupted last week when reports surfaced that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito had flown an upside-down American flag outside his home shortly after the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol.

The controversial display, often associated with the 'Stop the Steal' movement's false claims of election fraud, prompted calls for Alito's censure and recusal from election-related cases. Tennessee Democrat Steve Cohen wasted no time introducing a House resolution to censure the conservative judge for violating ethics rules, as per The Hill.

Steve Cohen's resolution aims to address Samuel Alito's 'knowing violation of the federal recusal statute'

Cohen, who serves on the Judiciary Committee, stated that the resolution aimed to address Alito's "knowing violation of the federal recusal statute and binding ethics standards", which he argued called into question the Supreme Court's impartiality.

The New York Times first reported the incident, revealing that the upside-down flag had been briefly flown by Alito’s wife, Martha-Ann, in response to a neighbor’s offensive yard signs.

Justice Alito has distanced himself from the flag display, claiming no involvement and attributing the action solely to his wife. However, this explanation has done little to quell the criticism from Democratic lawmakers, who view the incident as a clear indication of political bias.

The reaction from Democratic circles was swift and fierce, with many expressing deep concern over the implications of the flag display.

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 23:  U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito speaks during the G
Samuel Alito has distanced himself from the flag display, claiming no involvement and attributing the action solely to his wife (Getty Images)

Cohen voiced his concerns in a pointed statement, asserting that the incident demonstrated Alito's "shameless demonstration of his political bias".

He emphasized the necessity of holding Alito accountable to safeguard the integrity of the judiciary. "He literally flew a flag in front of his house showing the world he supported the January 6th insurrectionists," Cohen declared.

"What’s more, he continues to participate in litigation directly related to the 2020 election and the insurrection, in direct violation of the federal recusal statute and the Supreme Court’s own ethics rules," he added.

Cohen argued that Alito's actions undermined the impartiality of the Supreme Court and stressed the importance of maintaining public trust in the judiciary.

"There must be accountability to protect the integrity and impartiality of the High Court. We must protect the Constitutional rights to fair and impartial proceedings," he continued.

"Justice Alito should be censured for flagrant breaches of the law and court rules, and he must recuse himself from all other 2020 election and January 6th related litigation," Cohen concluded.

(Steve Cohen/Instagram)
Steve Cohen wants Samuel Alito to recuse himself from  2020 election and January 6 related litigation (Steve Cohen/Instagram)

Steve Cohen's resolution to censure Samuel Alito strikes a chord online

The online community quickly resonated with Cohen's resolution for censuring Alito following the upside-down flag incident.

One user on Facebook commented, "Good. Alito's behavior is inexcusable for a sitting SCOTUS justice whose impartiality is at the very least debatable now if called on to render an opinion about the events of Insurrection Day."

Another remarked, "Alito deserves censure for his glaring violation of all rules of ethics by siding with insurrectionists who rioted based on Trump's lies."

One user demanded, "Alito must be silence and/or removed. He is clearly Biased! He has compromised the Judicial System."

Another added, "Whatever the reason this was done, it was poor judgment on the part of Alito. Something that judges are NOT supposed to exercise."

Another comment criticized the lack of political objectivity expected of a Supreme Court judge: "As a Judge on the Supreme Court, he's supposed to be Politically objective! The next Riot will be at the Supreme Court for Liberty and Justice for ALL!!!"

Additional comments included calls for systemic changes, with one user writing, "The Supreme Court should have to follow all the same rules as any other Court in this land. We need rules and term limits. End life time appointments."

One user pointed out potential double standards: "If this were a 'liberal' judge, the hypocrites in the Party of Trump would be throwing fits and demanding they step down."

Another emphasized the importance of impartiality: "The SC justices are to be impartial and should not show any hint of bias. People should be reprimanded or disbarred regardless of left or right."

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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