Internet backs Dr Fauci's claim of Trump promoting hydroxychloroquine as Covid 'cure' after Laura Ingraham's endorsement

Internet backs Dr Fauci's claim of Trump promoting hydroxychloroquine as Covid 'cure' after Laura Ingraham's endorsement
Dr Anthony Fauci claimed former president Donald Trump promoted hydroxychloroquine as his Covid fix after Fox News host Laura Ingraham's endorsement of the drug (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: On Tuesday, June 18, former White House chief medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci claimed in an interview with MSNBC that former president Donald Trump reportedly derived the notion of employing hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19 from Fox News host Laura Ingraham, according to Mediaite.

Speaking to host Ari Melber, Dr Fauci detailed his relationship with the 45th President of the United States while he was serving as one of the lead members of the Coronavirus Task Force under Trump's administration.

What did Dr Anthony Fauci say regarding Donald Trump in his MSNBC interview?

Regarding Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, Dr Anthony Fauci said, “I felt very uncomfortable when he was saying it was going to disappear like magic, it’s just going to go away because he so desperately wanted it to disappear the way flu disappears as you enter the end of the winter and the beginning of the spring. And that’s when I had to publicly get up, which was very uncomfortable for me. I was not happy about criticizing the president or disagreeing with the president.”

The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) continued, “I said, ‘No, it’s not going to disappear like magic at all.’ And when that became clear, that’s when we started talking about hydroxychloroquine, which also was something that had no basis in science.”

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 13: Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infe
Former White House chief medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci claimed on Tuesday that former president Donald Trump got the idea to treat Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine from Fox News host Laura Ingraham (Getty Images)

Dr Fauci added, “He would start saying things, you know, ‘I care about you, I like you, I love you,’ but then he would start screaming at me, which, you know, it’s not fun being yelled at by the president of the United States. That was a bit unnerving.”

“But I had to continue to tell the truth,” Fauci contended. “And he said, ‘Why do you keep doing this to me?’ Because it’s the truth. I’m telling the American public the facts. Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work.”

Regarding the origin of Trump's fixation on hydroxychloroquine, Fauci stated, “I believe he wanted so badly for this to go away the way influenza goes away, and when he saw it was not going away, then he was hoping for some magical solution, and he even used those words, ‘It’s going to go away like magic.’ And then when that didn’t work, then we had to have these miracle cures like hydroxychloroquine, which he got from Laura Ingraham on Fox News.”

CLEVELAND, OH - JULY 20:  Political talk radio host Laura Ingraham delivers a speech on the third da
Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who has no background in medicine, used her primetime platform to push hydroxychloroquine as the miracle 'cure' for Covid-19 when the pandemic broke out (Getty Images)

During the Covid-19 pandemic, various hosts and personalities on Fox News, including Laura Ingraham, endorsed the use of hydroxychloroquine, despite cautions from medical authorities regarding the lack of evidence supporting its efficacy in treating Covid-19.

Concurrently, former president Trump repeatedly advocated for the antimalarial drug as a "cure" for the disease and utilized it personally in an attempt to mitigate the virus.

However, in January, a scientific study revealed an 11% rise in the mortality rate among individuals using the drug to treat Covid-19. The drug was associated with nearly 17,000 fatalities across six countries.

Internet backs Dr Fauci's claim of Trump promoting hydroxychloroquine as Covid 'cure' due to Laura Ingraham

The users on the internet fully supported Dr Anthony Fauci over his claims about Donald Trump and Laura Ingraham.

One X user claimed, "Dr Fauci is a national treasure & we are so lucky to have him! The way he was treated was disgusting & uncalled for. Bless him!"


Another user remarked, "How many deaths. Blood on the hands at Fox."


One individual said, "Just awful, how can anyone with brains vote for Trump."


Another commented, "Oh barf, Laura Ingraham, Fox's sneerer-in-chief."


One person wrote on X, "No doubt. She was pushing that snake oil every f**king night. I remember checking Fox News to see if they were being at all rational about the pandemic and it was just an unending see of lies and bogus "cures". Need lawsuits here. Wrongful death x 100,000. Bury Fox."


Another tweeted, "Trump doesn't like dealing with anyone smarter than him and that fact makes his world really small."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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