Internet in splits as Jimmy Fallon hilariously explains why Marjorie Taylor Greene can't take on House Speaker role

Internet in splits as Jimmy Fallon hilariously explains why Marjorie Taylor Greene can't take on House Speaker role
Jimmy Fallon joked that Marjorie Taylor Greene can’t fill the role herself because 'she’s too busy being the House screamer' (@fallontonight/YouTube)

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY: Far-right Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene made a motion on March 22 to remove Speaker of the House Mike Johnson from his position.

Johnson has held the role for five months following the removal of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy by the most conservative members of the caucus.


Fallon pokes fun at Marjorie Taylor Greene's speaker ambitions

Jimmy Fallon humorously remarked that Greene couldn't assume the role herself because "she's too busy being the House screamer."

“After the House passed the bipartisan bill to fund the government and avert a shutdown, Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a motion to remove Mike Johnson as House Speaker,” Fallon began.

“Marjorie made the decision after listening to her colleagues, constituents, and Zoltron, Supreme Leader of Glargnak 6,” he quipped. “It lives in Canada, goes to a different school. You probably don’t know it."

"Marjorie would take the job as House Speaker, but she's too busy being the House Screamer, so," he added before moving on to other political news.

DALTON, GA - MAY 27:  U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) speaks at an America First Rally also
Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) speaks at an America First Rally (Getty Images)

Greene acknowledged to reporters that she aimed for the filing to serve as a warning to Johnson.

She stated, "I'm not saying that it won't happen in two weeks or it won't happen in a month or who knows when. But I am saying the clock has started. It's time for our conference to choose a new speaker."

With the House on a two-week recess as of March 22, the motion is unlikely to be considered until April 9 at the earliest.

NBC News reported that Rep Matt Gaetz, who introduced the motion to remove McCarthy, does not support Greene's motion.

“If we vacated this speaker, we’d end up with a Democrat,” Gaetz said.

He added, “When I vacated the last one, I made a promise to the country that we would not end up with the Democrat speaker. And I was right. I couldn’t make that promise again."

Fallon's MTG joke sparks social media buzz

Fallon's monologue prompted a surge of engagement in the comment section.

One person wrote, "M Gangerine Green needs to be voted out."


Another said, "I loved the MTG joke it was hilarious ... Zoltran Supreme leader of Glargnak 6 forever!"

"Remove Mtg," someone else urged.


"Marjorie Taylor Greene as trumps vp. Careful she bites," read one comment. "Marj the Bounty Hunter strikes again @ScaredKetchup," another said. "Thank you Jimmy for being a funny slice of normal during these crazy times. “House screamer,” one viewer praised. 


This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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