Trump's Bronx rally where 25K supporters showed up called 'fake' after Dems accuse him of 'bussing in' crowd

Trump's Bronx rally where 25K supporters showed up called 'fake' after Dems accuse him of 'bussing in' crowd
Kathy Hochul and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Donald Trump will never win Bronx (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Democrats and liberal media commentators reportedly complained about the supporters gathering at Crotona Park in the Bronx for the rally of former President Donald Trump on May 23, as "fake" and full of out-of-towners, reported Fox News.

According to the Trump campaign, the number of attendees was estimated to be 25,000, which well surpassed their initial expectation of 3,500. CNN correspondent Kristen Holmes, who was present at the scene, said in her report, "Certainly a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country."

Kathy Hochul and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slam Trump over 'fake' rallies

Speaking of the event, NY Governor Kathy Hochul told CNN host Jake Tapper, "Well, I’ll tell you what won’t make a difference at all, Jake, and that’s for Donald Trump to be a ringleader and invite all his clowns to a place like the Bronx. New York will never, ever support Donald Trump for president."

"So if he wants to spend his time doing these made-up, fake rallies and pretending there’s support here, be my guest, because while you’re doing that, Donald Trump, Joe Biden’s out there on the other side making sure he’s delivering for all Americans."

ALBANY, NEW YORK - AUGUST 11: Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul speaks during a press conference at the New York
Kathy Hochul unleashed a tirade against Donald Trump after his massive rally in the Bronx (Getty Images)

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez similarly told MSNBC host Chris Hayes that the rally was just a stunt organized by Trump to pay his legal fees. "He is broke. He needs to pay these legal funds. And bussing people in, in order to get those donations so that he can funnel them to his legal fees, is kind of his business right now," she stated.

In a separate interview, AOC reportedly shared, "I think the Bronx knows better. We’ve seen a couple of years ago when some of his supporters tried to shut down the Whitestone Bridge. I think it’s important that we understand that there’s a lot of folks that may be at this park that are not from New York City, that may be from surrounding or different areas, and we just want to make sure that folks are staying safe given all of that ruckus that can come in."

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 06: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) speaks during a press conference
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused Donald Trump of bussing in supporters from other states to hold a rally in the Bronx (Getty Images)

Taking to the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Rep Ritchie Torres (D-NY) posted, "Donald Trump’s rally may be in the South Bronx but it is not of the South Bronx. Bluntly put, the Trump transplants are much whiter than the locals of the South Bronx, which is almost entirely Latino and Black."


Trump's rally brushed off as 'fakey campaign stop' 

MSNBC host Alex Wagner called the Bronx rally a "fakey campaign stop," before asking his guest Patrick Gaspard, President of the Center for American Progress, to weigh in.

"You described that rally as fraught. I would describe that rally as fraud," he shared. "It was AstroTurf. They imported a whole bunch of people into the Bronx. Let's be really clear here: Donald Trump ain't winning the Bronx."

Host Joy Reid questioned Trump's reason for going to the Bronx and speaking with Black and Latino voters, of whom she alleged that he was "not fond of."

Political analyst Charles Blow was in agreement with Reid, adding, "He’s trying to signal to other people, signal to people in swing states who are White, who don’t want to be thought of as voting for a racist to soften the ground and say, ‘maybe he’s not a racist’ and also to shave off a couple of points among Blacks and Hispanic who say ‘I don’t want to vote for a racist.’ They say, ‘Maybe he’s not as racist as they say he is.’ This is signaling to other people, has nothing to do with New York, has nothing to do with The Bronx."

Trump supporters says 'Democrats are melting'

Commenting on the news on Facebook, a person wrote, "If they really want to try to discredit it, they can try all they want, but it was the most genuine thing I’ve seen in politics in a long time. This was historic and whether the Democrats like it or not, it was more real than anything they’ve tried this cycle."


"Wishful thinking on their part," shared another.

"The democrats are melting," jibed a third.

"The denial is laughable. The eyes don’t lie," chided a fourth.

"Well, they can’t stand it that people like Trump better than them!" expressed a fifth.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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