'Stupid electoral strategy': Jamaal Bowman blasted for clashing with fellow Democrat Ritchie Torres' Israel support amid primary race

'Stupid electoral strategy': Jamaal Bowman blasted for clashing with fellow Democrat Ritchie Torres' Israel support amid primary race
Rep Ritchie Torres' pro-Israel stance received criticism from 'Squad' member Rep Jamaal Bowman (Rep Ritchie Torres/Facebook, Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: "Squad" Democrat Rep Jamaal Bowman targeted his neighboring congressman Ritchie Torres, also a Democrat, over his support to Israel.

Bowman, currently 17 percentage points behind George Latimer in the primary race for New York's 16th congressional district, claimed Rep Torres was gaining political power with the support of the pro-Israel lobby.

The "Squad" member, a critic of Israel, took a shot at the Bronx representative in a recent episode of Marc Lamont Hill's 'Night School' podcast, as per the New York Post.

Jamaal Bowman accuses Ritchie Torres of trying to gain more political power

"I think that he's [Torres] trying to gain political power for himself towards an ultimate objective," Bowman told Hill. "I don't know if it's [for] US Senate. I don't know what it is."

(Marc Lamont Hill/YouTube)
Academic and author Marc Lamont Hill interviewed Rep Jamaal Bowman in his latest episode of the podcast 'Night School' (Marc Lamont Hill/YouTube)

Hill, also an Israel critic, asked the incumbent about Torres' staunch support of the Jewish state despite aligning with progressives on other issues.

"Ritchie is very calculating in this way … Ritchie – he just seems to be always plotting, always calculating something," Bowman responded.

He further argued that Democrats, including Torres, were hesitant to oppose the pro-Israel stance due to the "power of the Israel lobby" whose supporters would donate to campaign funding.

However, Bowman did not criticize pro-Israel House Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, whose endorsement he has already received for the re-election bid. The lawmaker for NY's 16th district said Jeffries was "authentic" in comparison to Torres' "calculating" nature.

(Rep. Ritchie Torres/Facebook)
Rep Jamaal Bowman claimed Rep Ritchie Torres was 'always plotting' and 'calculating' (Rep. Ritchie Torres/Facebook)

Torres, who was so far neutral to the Bowman-Latimer primary race, blasted the fellow Democrat's criticism of his pro-Israel stance.

"When an Anti-Israel colleague attacks me, I will not hesitate to respond," he wrote on X.

In a withering response to Bowman's attack, Torres' added, "I care as much about his opinion on me as I do about his opinion on how to properly pull a fire alarm or his opinion on how to remain in Congress. His opinion of me is worse than a rubber stamp—it leaves no impression, much like his legislative record."


In the podcast, Bowman also pointed out that Torres was not aligned with the "Squad," which consists of liberal Democratic lawmakers like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Cori Bush.

"The Squad has a group chat," NY's 12th district representative said, adding, "Ritchie Torres ain't in it.


Internet slams Jamaal Bowman as he targets Ritchie Torres

Condemning Bowman's criticism of Torres' pro-Isarel policy, netizens said the former would lose his congressional re-election bid.

"Jamaal Bowman represents a district with one of the densest concentrations of Jews in the country, and has chosen to use his platform to elevate antisemitism. Leaving aside the hatefulness, it is mind-numbingly stupid as an electoral strategy. He is attacking his constituents," a user wrote.

Another remarked, "Bowman always opening the wrong doors."



A user added, "Bowman is pathetic." Another response read, "The Squad is an absurd joke, doesn't do anything to help America. Bowman will lose."

Another person said, "@JamaalBowmanNY Has no shame, sour loser."




A user commented below the New York Post article, "Every time bowman opens his mouth he proves he has a brain the size of a cherry tomato. how do these people get elected?"

"No better way to try to distract your constituents from your own miserable tenure in congress than to cast aspersions on another rep who actually has principles," someone else chimed in.

An individual wrote, "Jamaal is going to lose his seat and he’s grouchy. "

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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