Jamaal Bowman slammed over 'late' apology for downplaying sexual violence during Oct 7 Hamas attack

Jamaal Bowman slammed over 'late' apology  for downplaying sexual violence during Oct 7 Hamas attack
Jamaal Bowman issued an apology on Monday, June 17, for his previous remarks regarding the Hamas terror attack on October 7 (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Rep Jamaal Bowman, a member of the "Squad," issued an apology on Monday, June 17, for his previous remarks regarding the Hamas terror attack on October 7, which he had earlier described as propaganda.

Speaking during a WNYC interview, Bowman addressed his earlier statements that downplayed reports of rape and child murder during the attacks, following new evidence provided by the United Nations.

In March, a UN envoy specializing in sexual violence in conflict reported that there are “reasonable grounds” to believe Hamas engaged in rape, “sexualized torture,” and other brutal and inhumane treatment of women during the October 7 attack.

“Immediately when the [United Nations] provided additional evidence, I voted to condemn the sexual violence. I apologize for my comments,” Bowman told the outlet.

Jamaal Bowman's controversial statements, polling, and the apology

Bowman’s initial comments came during an anti-Israel rally in White Plains on November 17, where he claimed there was no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women, calling it propaganda. The comments were captured on video and widely circulated, sparking outrage among pro-Israel activists and constituents.

“There was propaganda used at the beginning of the siege," Bowman had said. "There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women, but they still keep using the lie.”


The timing of Bowman’s apology is significant, as he faces a tough primary challenge from Westchester County Executive George Latimer in the upcoming June 25 election for the 16th House District, which includes much of Westchester and parts of the northern Bronx.

The race has become the most expensive House primary ever, with over $23 million spent on advertising.

A recent Emerson College/WPIX poll showed Bowman trailing Latimer by 17 points among likely primary voters, with 21% undecided. Bowman’s handling of his previous comments has become a focal point in the campaign, drawing criticism from Latimer and his supporters.

Latimer and pro-Israel activists have dismissed Bowman’s apology as insincere and politically motivated.

“Denying rape is wrong, period. Denying the barbaric beheading of babies is wrong, period. Calling rape victims liars is wrong, period,” the Latimer campaign said in a statement Thursday.

“And Bowman apologizing for his lies six months later, and only because he is now on the verge of getting tossed out of office, speaks volumes about his lack of decency and compassion. It’s not just a matter of his `apology being too little, too late’ — it’s that no one believes Bowman because he has proven he will say anything, no matter how dishonest, cruel, or divisive, to try to stay in power," they added.


The Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI), which backs Latimer, also criticized Bowman. DMFI president Mark Mellman called Bowman’s apology "half-hearted."

“Congressman Jamaal Bowman has flip-flopped again. Bowman falsely labeled the savage sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas ‘propaganda.’ Now, on the eve of an election he’s losing, Bowman makes a halfhearted apology,” said Mellman. “Way too little. Way too late.”

In his WNYC interview, Bowman acknowledged his mistakes.

“I am not going to be perfect. I’m going to make mistakes. I’m going to say things that harm people, even though I don’t mean to. When I do, I’m going to take accountability for it. I’m going to own it,” he said. “I want to learn and grow and be the best representative I can be. That’s who my mother raised me to be, that’s who I was as an educator, and that’s who I am now.”

Despite the backlash, Bowman continues to campaign vigorously, aiming to connect with younger voters.

He appeared on CBS’ 'Late Show with Stephen Colbert' to discuss topics ranging from hip-hop to the Middle East conflict, where he reiterated his condemnation of the Hamas attacks while criticizing Israel’s response in Gaza as "collective punishment" and calling for a cease-fire. “We’ve got to put the guns down," he insisted.


Bowman is also set to appear with rapper Cash Cobain at the Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, reflecting his strategy to engage with a younger demographic. The Emerson/PIX/The Hill poll shows Bowman leading Latimer among voters under 40, though Latimer has a strong lead among older voters, the New York Post reported.

Jamaal Bowman slammed on social media

That said, Bowman’s "late" apology has sparked a wave of backlash on social media, with many casting doubts his motives.

"On the cusp of being steamrolled in his re-election bid, he 'apologizes.' Pass," one posted on X.

"Polling that bad?" another asked.

"He’s only saying this because his re-election is in trouble," someone else wrote.

"Cliche comes to mind...'Day late and a dollar short,'" a comment read.

"People like Bowman never assess both sides of a question, that's why he's always apologizing for making a fool of himself!" another added.










This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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