'Shocked by his own quote': Joe Biden trolled as Donald Trump takes aim at him for calling Black Americans 'super predators'

'Shocked by his own quote': Joe Biden trolled as Donald Trump takes aim at him for calling Black Americans 'super predators'
Donald Trump reignited a decades-old controversy by accusing President Joe Biden of referring to Black Americans as 'super predators' (Getty Images)

ATLANTA, GEORGIA: During the recent CNN presidential debate, former President Donald Trump reignited a decades-old controversy by accusing Joe Biden of referring to Black Americans as "super predators." The claim, rooted in the 1990s, resurfaced as the two candidates sparred over law enforcement support.

"Almost every police group in the nation, from every state, is supporting Donald J Trump," Trump boasted during the debate, highlighting his backing from law enforcement, as reported by Daily Mail.


Donald Trump accuses Joe Biden of calling Black Americans 'super predators'

Trump then pivoted to attack Biden's historical stance on crime, stating, "And what he's done to the Black population is horrible, including the fact that for 10 years, he called them super predators."

The term "super predators" dates back to the 1990s when Biden, then a senator, was advocating for a crime bill.

Biden's actual words were, "So when we talk about the juvenile justice system, we have to remember that most of the youth involved in the system are not the so-called 'super predators'." Despite the clarification, the phrase has haunted Biden's political career.

Notably, Trump has not shied away from leveraging Biden's past legislative efforts to court Black voters. Recently, during a campaign event in Detroit, Trump highlighted Biden's role in the 1994 crime bill's passage—a piece of legislation Biden himself has since deemed a "mistake," according to Fox News.

U.S. President Joe Biden participates in the CNN Presidential Debate at the CNN Studios on June 27, 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
The term 'super predators' dates back to the 1990s when Joe Biden, then a senator, was advocating for a crime bill (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

At a roundtable discussion at the predominantly Black 180 Church, Trump emphasized the impact of rising crime rates on African American communities, stating, "Look, the crime is most rampant right here and in African American communities. More people see me, and they say, 'Sir, we want protection. We want police to protect us. We don’t want to get robbed and mugged and beat up or killed because we want to walk across the street to buy a loaf of bread.'"

Trump's rhetoric focused sharply on Biden’s legislative history, particularly the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. "Biden wrote the devastating 1994 crime bill, talking about 'super predators'. That was Biden. You know, he walks around now talking about the Black vote. He’s the king of the 'super predators'," Trump asserted.

The 1994 crime bill, signed into law by Bill Clinton, has been widely criticized for contributing to mass incarceration, disproportionately affecting Black communities. The bill's stringent measures came during the crack cocaine epidemic, which had already devastated many African American neighborhoods.

Biden’s legislative history includes several tough-on-crime measures that have become contentious over time. One such law is the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, co-sponsored by Biden, which introduced harsher penalties for crack cocaine possession compared to its powdered form.

(CNN screenshot/YouTube)
Donald Trump accuses Joe Biden of calling Black Americans 'super predators' (CNN screenshot/YouTube)

Resurgence of Joe Biden's past controversy during debate sparks trolling online

The resurgence of Biden's past controversy during the debate led to a swift reaction on social media, with many trolling him. One X user said, "Bro got shocked by his own quote." While another remarked, "He looks confused because he literally doesn’t remember lol."



A user wrote, "This is what ended Biden career.." Another user posted, "snapped his head like oh s**t i said that?" while one user commented, "Biden spent most the night on a different planet."




Another user mentioned, "Biden's face when Trump says this BAHAHAHA," and another individual stated, "Biden is checked out." A user said, "Loved the head snap.... A real reality check..."





This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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