Kelly Osbourne reveals she 'hid' during her entire pregnancy fearing mockery over weight gain

Kelly Osbourne reveals she 'hid' during her entire pregnancy fearing mockery over weight gain
Kelly Osbourne said she gained 100lbs during her pregnancy and later worked on reducing it (Instagram/@kellyosbourne)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Kelly Osbourne, 38, the daughter of rock legend Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon, revealed how she spent her pregnancy months.

She admitted to hiding from the public eye for the entire nine months of her due to fear of being mocked for her weight gain during pregnancy.

Kelly Osbourne says she cut the weight gain ‘problem’ out by hiding at her parent's place

Osbourne revealed that she gained 100 lbs while carrying her son, Sid, who is now 15 months old.

The fear of public mockery was so intense that she decided to “cut the problem out.” She spent her entire pregnancy hidden at her parents’ place.

"I saw what they did to Jessica Simpson and I thought it was disgusting,” she says, referring to the public ridicule Simpson faced for her pregnancy weight gain.

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"I was so frightened that would happen to me too that I hid. I just didn't want pictures out there," she told People.

"I didn't want to face it, and have people be like, 'Oh she's a moose!' So I just cut the problem out."

Kelly Osbourne promises not to hide next time as she plans to expand her family

After the birth of her son, Osbourne took a journey to lose the weight she had gained during pregnancy.

She followed a strict diet and worked hard to avoid developing diabetes as she had been diagnosed with its gestational stage.

“I was in danger of getting real diabetes, so I stuck with the same diet I was on before," she told the outlet.

"No sugar, no carbohydrates, lean proteins, lots of vegetables for fiber, and then the little things like don’t eat the bread basket, cut out the soda,” she said. 

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Looking back, she wishes she had been kinder to herself during this period. “I was not gentle on myself,” she said.

“It’s something I’d be mad at myself for. I didn’t need to hide.” Osbourne now looks forward to expanding her family and promises to approach future pregnancies with less stress and more bravery.

“I want as many as I can squeeze out before it’s too late. But next time I think I’ll be braver, and not hide out for the entire nine months," she said. 

Kelly Osbourne had to deal with gestational diabetes too which added to her weight 

In addition to dealing with the stress of hiding her pregnancy, Osbourne was also diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

This condition restricted her diet and added another layer of complexity to her pregnancy. Despite these challenges, she found solace in the quality time spent with her father, Ozzy Osbourne.

(Getty Images)
 Kelly Osbourne is the daughter of rock legend Ozzy Osbourne and  mother Sharon Osbourne  (Getty Images)

“We played Jenga, we played cards, we had like 20 different TV shows we were watching at once," Kelly told the publication. 

"He would go on my diet and I’d go on his diet, and then we’d work out in the pool together because his physical therapy was similar to what I was supposed to be doing. We had the best time together,” she said.

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