'Maybe he didn't know': Biden trolled for denying he designated Easter Sunday as Trans Day of Visibility

'Maybe he didn't know': Biden trolled for denying he designated Easter Sunday as Trans Day of Visibility
President Joe Biden vehemently denied accusations that he declared Easter Sunday as the Transgender Day of Visibility (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: In the wake of a storm of conservative criticism, President Joe Biden vehemently denied accusations that he declared Easter Sunday as the Transgender Day of Visibility.

The controversy erupted following Biden's proclamation recognizing the day to celebrate the lives and contributions of transgender individuals.

Biden Denies Claim 

When asked on Monday, April 1, if he had named Easter the Transgender Day of Visibility, Biden said, "I didn't do that," claiming innocence.

The president's statement came after facing intense backlash from figures like Speaker Mike Johnson, who labeled Biden's move as "outrageous and abhorrent."


Biden, when asked to respond to Johnson's criticism, said, "He's thoroughly uninformed."

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden attend the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 10, 2023 in Washington, DC. The tradition dates back to 1878 when President Rutherford B. Hayes invited children to the White House for Easter and egg rolling on the lawn. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden attend the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 10, 2023, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

The timing of this year's Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31, coinciding with Easter Sunday, added fuel to the fire. Since 2009, March 31 has been internationally designated to honor the transgender movement, according to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Jean-Pierre, addressing the misinformation surrounding the proclamation, said, "And I want to be very clear, every year for the past several years on March 31 Transgender Day of Visibility is marked. And, as we know, for folks who understand the calendar and how it works - Easter falls on different Sundays." 

"And this year it happened to coincide with transgender visibility day. And so that's a simple fact. That is what has happened. That is where we are," the press secretary continued. 

White House Doubles Down

Moreover, the White House doubled down on its support for Biden's statement.

"President Biden is right. He did nothing in conflict with the 'tenets' of Easter, which he celebrated yesterday," spokesman Andrew Bates told the Daily Mail. "Nor did he choose the date of March 31 for Transgender Day of Visibility, which has been set since 2009 – including in 2020 and 2021 when FOX itself commemorated Transgender Day of Visibility itself."

Jean-Pierre called the conservative outrage "a lot of misinformation done on purpose."

"And as a Christian who celebrates Easter with family, President Biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every American," she said.

"Now sadly, and it's not surprising, right? It's actually unsurprising that politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric." 

"It is dishonest what we heard the past 24 hours, it is untrue what we heard over the weekend," Jean-Pierre said, adding, "That is not what this administration is about. That is not what being a leader is about. And this misinformation out there is just - it's bad - and it is cause to divide us."


Despite the political storm brewing, the Bidens carried on with the annual Easter Egg Roll tradition on the White House's South Lawn. Battling the rain, President Biden, along with First Lady Jill Biden and their son Hunter Biden, engaged wholly in the festivities.

The president and first lady focused on traditional activities, including egg races and storytime for children, amid the steady downpour. 

Social Media Backlash

The controversy, however, spilled over into social media, with critics mocking Biden's denial.

"It was literally yesterday bro," one posted on X.

"He announced it last week and doesn't remember. Sad," another wrote.

"Can they make the lying any more obvious at this point? It's almost intentional," a comment read.

"If he didn't do it, then who's running the government in his name?" someone else wondered.

"To be fair, maybe he didn’t know. He has a full schedule of naps and ice cream," another quipped.










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