Michelle Obama releases new star-studded call to action with celeb pals after endorsing Kamala Harris

Michelle Obama releases new star-studded call to action with celeb pals after endorsing Kamala Harris
Michelle Obama launches a star-studded voting PSA, rallying Americans to vote just days after endorsing Kamala Harris (When We All Vote)

WASHINGTON, DC: Michelle Obama, 60, has rallied a star-studded lineup in a dynamic video urging Americans to get ready to vote.

This powerful call to action comes just days after she and former president Barack Obama, 62, officially endorsed Kamala Harris, 59, following President Joe Biden, 81, surprising withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, decisively ending any speculation about the former first lady's potential run for the presidency.

WILMINGTON, DELAWARE - NOVEMBER 19: U.S. President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala H
Kamala Harris was endorsed by President Joe Biden after he bowed out of the 2024 race (Getty Images)

Michelle Obama rallies stars to boost voter

In the vibrant PSA, shared by the nonpartisan organization 'When We All Vote' founded by the former first lady in 2018—the video does not explicitly endorse any candidate. However, given the featured personalities, it clearly leans away from conservative viewpoints.

Michelle is joined by household names like NBA star Steph Curry, actress Kerry Washington, soccer champion Megan Rapinoe, TV producer Shonda Rhimes, and NBA player Chris Paul.  Also appearing are country singer Reyna Roberts and Filipino-American beauty influencer Bretman Rock each stressing the importance of participating in the upcoming election.

The ad begins with a compelling scene where each celebrity receives a sudden phone call from Michelle. "Are you voting this year?" she asks. "Yeah, absolutely," declares Rapinoe, known for her outspoken criticism of Donald Trump, 78. "Of course I am!" chimes in Rhimes. "One hundred percent yes!" exclaims Roberts. "Obviously!" adds Washington.

Stars urge onlookers to start thinking about their preferred candidate (
Megan Rapinoe was first to heed Michelle Obama's figurative and literal call, followed by Shonda Rhimes and Bretman Rock urging onlookers to start thinking about their preferred candidate (When We All Vote)

San Antonio Spurs point guard Paul is seen responding alongside his 15-year-old son, Chris Jr, with, "You already know." After these snippets, Michelle reappears on screen, urging viewers, "Now, it's your turn to answer the call," and reminding them that the election is "just 100 days away."

Kamala Harris's campaign raises $200 million in a week

This high-profile endorsement of Kamala Harris arrives during a tumultuous period for the Democratic Party, which is still working to solidify its presidential candidate. President Joe Biden took 23 minutes to endorse his former running mate before announcing his exit from the race on July 21. The Obamas took nearly a week to formally endorse Harris while putting an end to speculations about Michelle's potential presidential bid.

Despite doubts from some quarters about Harris's ability to defeat Trump, her campaign has gained significant traction, raising $200 million in just one week following Biden's exit and endorsement, per CBS. She now has less than 100 days to demonstrate her candidacy to voters before the November 5 election.

(Getty Images)
The Obamas took nearly a week to formally endorse Harris  (Getty Images)

Celebs unite and call for action

In the PSA, Michelle Obama dispelled any uncertainty by emphasizing critical issues such as "reproductive rights [and] the environment" describing them as "our future" and urging that these decisions will be made "on the ballot." She then poses the question, "So, are you voting this year?"—a query echoed by Shonda Rhimes, Chris Paul, and Bretman Rock.


"Join Me," says Roberts. "Join Me," adds Curry, before the collective "Join us," with Obama concluding, "by getting registered and ready to vote with When We All Vote today." "Text 'Join' to 56005," the message concludes, wrapping up the ad featuring outspoken progressives. Apart from Roberts, all the celebrities in the video serve as chairs on the supposedly nonpartisan initiative, which also includes stars like Tom Hanks, Selena Gomez, Jennifer Lopez, Lin Manuel Miranda, and actress Rita Wilson.

Paul and Curry have been staunch Obama supporters, with Paul even holding a minor role in the Obama administration. Rapinoe and Rhimes are also vocal Democrats, having criticized former president Trump in the past. While Rock and Roberts have been less vocal about their political views, both have championed increased representation for disenfranchised groups in media, especially from their respective races and/or gender identities. 

All issued a collective 'Join us' before Obama finished, 'by getting registered and ready to vote with When We All Vote today', touting the national, supposedly nonpartisan initiative that all all serve as chairs on (When We All Vote)
Outspoken progressives like Shonda Rhimes, Chris Paul, and Bretman Rock. issued a collective 'Join us' before Michelle Obama finished, "by getting registered and ready to vote with When We All Vote today," touting the national, supposedly nonpartisan initiative that all serve as chairs on (When We All Vote)

Donald Trump's campaign criticizes Kamala Harris calling her 'Marxist fraud' 

Ahead of the endorsement announcement, the Trump campaign issued a statement implying a delay in finalizing a debate schedule until the "Democrats formally decide on their nominee." "There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party - namely Barack Hussein Obama - that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone 'better," said Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung, per Daily Mail.

In a video released by the Harris team, Michelle is seen delivering her endorsement to Harris over the phone. "I can't have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala, I am proud of you," Michelle says. "This is going to be historic." Obama adds, "We called to say, Michelle and I, couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office."

Kamala Harris, expressing her gratitude, replies, "I just want to tell you that the words you have spoken and the friendship that you have given over all these years mean more than I can express. So thank you both, it means so much. And we're going to have some fun with it too, aren't we?"

"Indeed!" Michelle replies, with Barack adding, "Well ... look, you're a happy warrior." Michelle concludes, "And the country needs a happy warrior." The Democratic nomination process, set to take place virtually before the Chicago convention, is expected to conclude by August 7. Michelle's call to action is clear, "Join us by getting registered and ready to vote with When We All Vote today."

Netizens react to Michelle Obama and celeb pals' call to vote video

As Michelle Obama enlists a star-studded lineup to push Americans to vote, reactions vary widely across the political spectrum.

"Everyone wants to be like Mike.." a user tweeted.

"Oh. Whenever I’m thinking about voting, who Michelle Obama is endorsing is top of the list in my decision," another said.

"The big orange blob is running scared. Now that Joe has dropped out he's looking like the old fogey now," one user claimed.




"It's interesting how "homogeneous" the Party of tolerance, acceptance, and diversity really is. A casual observer would conclude that they are actually the exact opposite of those things. Huh," commented an individual.

"They all have money can afford expensive groceries, gas, utilities afford to go on vacations, they don’t actually have to even work, have 24/7 security on and on. So what do any of them matter!" added a user.

"Once again an overestimation of how much celebrities influence elections. Image over content or Hubris over humility?" stated an individual.

"Everyone is wise to their game by now. Create problems and chaos (homelessness, inflation, border crisis) and then congratulate yourselves for "solving" the problems you created. If they ever actually solved anything, they would work themselves out of a job," read a comment.

"Right… Because watching an ad of the “Celebrity Pals” calling each other is going to make me vote for their choice," chimed a user.

"The problem of the democrats, relying on celebrities like they have the same needs," penned an individual.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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