'You are a warmonger': Internet criticizes Nikki Haley for dismissing Biden administration's support of Israel in war against Hamas

'You are a warmonger': Internet criticizes Nikki Haley for dismissing Biden administration's support of Israel in war against Hamas
Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley wrote an opinion piece regarding President Joe Biden's failure to address Israel's wartime woes (Getty Images)

COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA: Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has always been a steadfast supporter of the state of Israel.

The former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, found herself being the focal point of an internet meltdown after signing a bomb destined for Gaza during her visit to Israel over Memorial Day weekend.

Haley signed the bomb with the message "Finish them!" above a statement of unity between the US and Israel.


Recently she wrote an op-ed for the New York Post titled, “Joe Biden has forgotten what happened on Oct 7 — but Israelis can’t.” She recounted her experience of visiting Israel and going to areas devastated by the Hamas attack earlier in October of 2023.

Haley met with local communities and expressed her unwavering support for Israel while visiting the affected areas.

What did Nikki Haley write in her opinion piece?

Haley began her op-ed by saying, "Joe Biden and many Western politicians have apparently forgotten what happened on Oct. 7, but the people of Israel can’t."

She then went on to describe a local's account of the events of October 7, saying, "On May 27, in the Negev Desert in southern Israel, I spoke with one of the survivors of Hamas’ killing spree. Tali was dancing at the Nova music festival when the terrorists swarmed in. By the grace of God, she found a place to hide, and the terrorists didn’t find her. But she heard everything that happened just feet away."

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"Tali heard the unmistakable thud of men’s boots, chasing young women — the same women she’d been dancing with minutes earlier. She heard their screams. She heard them cry for help and beg their attackers to stop. She heard the gunshots that took their lives," Haley wrote.

"When the terrorists finally left, Tali came out of hiding, and what she saw was even worse than she imagined," Haley remarked. "Her friends and fellow concertgoers were butchered. Many women had been raped. Some had their genitals mutilated."

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Haley, the Walter P Stern Chair at the Hudson Institute, recounted her visit to Nir Oz, "A once beautiful kibbutz now filled with ruins, where neighbors were tortured and burned alive," she claimed.

"It’s crucial that Israel finish the job in Gaza, defeat Hamas, and return every hostage back home to their families," she stated. "That includes the eight Americans who are still hostages in Gaza, five of whom are known to be alive."

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Haley then shifted her focus to more reasonable targets, in this instance, President Joe Biden, deriding him for stalling aid, planning a ceasefire, and withholding weapons shipments.

The former GOP candidate for POTUS wrote, "Yet instead of supporting Israel against the terrorists who pledge Death to Israel and Death to America, President Biden and some members of Congress are withholding weapons, punishing Israel diplomatically and economically and dictating what they want politically instead of what Israel needs for security."

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"Worst of all, they’re demanding a cease-fire. A cease-fire is the same as defeat," the 52-year-old GOP lawmaker claimed.

"It would give the terrorists time and resources to complete their mission, which is the total destruction of Israel," she added.

"To protect Americans, we must partner with Israel," Haley asserted. 

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"We must give it everything it needs to destroy Hamas, defeat Hezbollah and beat down everything Iran throws its way," she wrote in her concluding remarks.

Haley likened Hamas' attack on October 7 to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, saying, "Whether it’s Joe Biden or anyone else, our leaders need to remember what happened to people like Tali on that dreadful day, which was reminiscent of what happened to thousands of Americans on Sept. 11."

"Tali survived, but she lives with the images of her mutilated friends every single day. She deserves the justice that comes through victory. So do the American people, because if Israel loses, America does, too," she concluded.

Nikki Haley slammed for dismissing the Biden admin's support of Israel in their war against Hamas

One X user remarked, "The lengths at which you’re willing to throw America under the bus to shill for the Israeli regime is quite something."


Another user asked, "Nikki! Don’t you think the U.S. should prioritize diplomacy and unbiased mediation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict rather than blindly backing one side?"


Another user said, "You are a warmonger."


One user wrote, "No. We get NOTHING for funding Israel’s wars, genocides, FREE healthcare and education except more DEBT."


Another X user claimed, "Why are you so obsessed with Israel. Does America matter to you? All you talk about is Israel and spreading propoganda on their behalf. I swear it’s ridiculous." [sic]


Finally, this user tweeted, "She wil send American youth to die in war that will benefit her!" [sic]



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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