Reps AOC, Ilhan Omar and Jayapal slammed for condemning Biden's border 'betrayal' executive order, insisting on easier asylum for migrants

Reps AOC, Ilhan Omar and Jayapal slammed for condemning Biden's border 'betrayal' executive order, insisting on easier asylum for migrants
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash) accused President Joe Biden of being 'cruel' by limiting illegal immigration (Getty Images/Instagram) (Getty Images/Instagram)

WASHINGTON, DC: Progressive members of Congress expressed their discontent with President Joe Biden's recent executive order addressing the illegal immigration crisis, which they believe mirrors former President Donald Trump's approach.

Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-Minn), called the order a "betrayal" of American ideals and Reps, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash) particularly criticized its failure to facilitate easier and quicker pathways for migrants to obtain documented status.

Progressives think Biden is following in Trump's footsteps with border order

On Tuesday, President Biden announced an executive action, following three-and-a-half years of pressure from Republicans, that limits the number of migrants who can arrive at the border and claim asylum once daily crossings exceed 2,500.

He invoked the same authority that Trump used to implement bans on southern border crossings to manage illegal immigration surges.

Rep Omar was particularly vocal in her disapproval, labeling the executive order as "cruel."

In a statement released on Tuesday, she said, "I share your heartbreak and betrayal. You know I love this country, as many immigrants who do get the opportunity to come to this country do. The United States has been a beacon of hope for those fleeing persecution, violence, and oppression."

NASHUA, NH - DECEMBER 13: Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) speaks at a campaign rally for Senator (I
Representative Ilhan Omar expressed her discontent with President Joe Biden's recent executive order addressing the illegal immigration crisis (Getty Images)

"Today's executive order undermines that legacy. Not only is this order a betrayal of the principle upon which this nation was built, but it flies in the face of basic morality," she added.

She further expressed, "If the Biden administration is serious about addressing the border crisis, the way to do that is to create more and quicker legal pathways – not to put asylum laws to the side. We have to remember that the victims of this policy will be the innocent," reported Daily Mail.

Rep Ocasio-Cortez, while understanding the president's unilateral action to address the crisis, emphasized the need for policy solutions that make documented entry into the US more feasible.

When asked outside the Capitol if Biden made a mistake, she responded, "I mean, I don't think it's really about a mistake or a non-mistake. I think it's about policy, right?"

"If we want to solve the problem and issues of people not being able to enter the United States in a documented and orderly fashion, what we need to do is make a documented entrance into the United States possible – and more possible than it presently is. And so that to me should remain our priority."

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 24: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) questions Postmaster General Louis
Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, while understanding the president's unilateral action to address the crisis, emphasized the need for policy solutions that make documented entry into the US more feasible(D-NY) (Getty Images)

Rep Jayapal also criticized Biden's action, calling it a "mistake" and attributing the legislative impasse to Republican obstructionism.

She stated, "I think what the president is trying to do is address the fact that we all want order at the border. We all want to see an immigration system that is orderly, that allows people to be processed quickly, that allows people to come in with different legal pathways, and Republicans have continued to block us in doing that."

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) has come under fire for her plea for
Rep Pramila Jayapal also criticized Biden's action, calling it a 'mistake' and attributing the legislative impasse to Republican obstructionism(D-WA) (X)

"But enforcement-only actions like what the president is doing today, which mirrors something that Donald Trump did, was stopped by the courts, but using 212(f) of the INA, of the Immigration Nationality Act, is a harsh enforcement-only measure that is not going to work because people are not going to stop coming when they are fleeing terrible circumstances," she stated.

Addressing the political ramifications of Biden's rightward shift on immigration, Ocasio-Cortez acknowledged significant voter concern on this issue ahead of the November election.

"I think it shows that the concerns raised by the right about the border are resonating with many voters. However, our responsibility is to develop effective solutions. This isn't just on the president; it's also on Congress. This highlights Congress' failure, across both parties, to pass immigration reform that expands the path to citizenship."

Netizens react to progressive lawmakers' immigration stance

A user tweeted, "Honestly, this doesn't surprise me. AOC and Ilhan Omar have always been vocal about immigration issues."

Another said, "Who votes for these people! Their districts are falling apart!" A user added, "AOC & Omar hate America."

"Last thing we need is more of her m, a loser who hates America, makes you wonder why she is here in the first place," read a tweet.

"If Ilhan Omar was given citizenship in the US it must already be very easy," said a user.






This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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