Trump-backed candidate Hung Cao wins GOP Senate primary in Virginia, set to take on Tim Kaine in November

Trump-backed candidate Hung Cao wins GOP Senate primary in Virginia, set to take on Tim Kaine in November
Hung Cao, who was endorsed by Donald Trump, is set to face incumbent Senator Tim Kaine for the Virginia seat in the upcoming general election (@HungCao_VA/X and Getty Images)

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA: The Virginia Republican Senate primary was won by Hung Cao on Tuesday, June 18, reported Fox News.

Endorsed by former president Donald Trump, Cao reportedly defeated his fellow contenders such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' former staffer and Club for Growth employee Scott Parkinson and constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord to get the opportunity of taking on two-term incumbent Senator Tim Kaine in the upcoming general election.

Hung Cao won the GOP Senate primary in Virginia on June 18, 2024 (
Hung Cao won the GOP Senate primary in Virginia on June 18, 2024 (

Hung Cao was endorsed by Donald Trump

Hung Cao received the backing of the presumptive GOP nominee in May, when the Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social, "A Combat Veteran and Highly Decorated Special Operations Officer, Hung Cao will be a tireless fighter to stop inflation, grow our Economy, secure our Border, strong support our incredible Military/Vets, and defend our always under siege Second Amendment. Hung Cao has my Complete and Total Endorsement."

His opponent Parkinson had received significant endorsements as well, which included current Republican Senators such as Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Pete Ricketts (R-Neb), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala), and Mike Braun (R-Ind).

The political state of Virginia

According to the non-partisan Cook Political Report, the Virginia Senate race is rated as "Solid Democratic," and incumbent Tim Kaine is expected to achieve an easy victory.

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 30: Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) asks a question to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo d
Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) is up for reelection in November 2024 (Getty Images)

However, the veteran politician, who first went to the Senate in 2013 and was reelected in 2018, refused to leave anything to chance, telling Fox News, "I know I'm not taking it for granted. I don't think anyone should."

A recent poll by the media house shockingly showed Trump going neck to neck with incumbent Joe Biden, both at 48%. Back in 2020, Biden won 54% of the vote to Trump's 44%.

"Joe Biden is so weak, and Democrats are in such disarray, that not only is President Trump winning every traditional battleground state, but longtime blue states such as Minnesota, Virginia, and New Jersey are now in play. President Trump is on offense with a winning message and growing his movement every single day. Joe Biden’s campaign should be terrified," shared Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt in a recent statement.

MAGA supporters call for Tim Kaine's dismissal

Reacting to the news on Facebook, one user wrote, "The call was heeded and is still powerful."

"Time for insane Kaine to go!" exclaimed another.

"Anyone would be better than Kaine!" expressed one individual.

"Just shows that the MAGA movement is winning and the left is losing," commented another.

"Trump winning so much," stated one person.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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