Fact Check: Was Donald Trump ever named 'Man of the Year' in Michigan?

Fact Check: Was Donald Trump ever named 'Man of the Year' in Michigan?
Donald Trump revived claim that he was once named 'Man of the Year' in Michigan at a Detroit event (Getty Images)

DETROIT, MICHIGAN: For the third consecutive presidential election cycle, former President Donald Trump has reiterated his claim of being named "Man of the Year" in Michigan before he entered the political arena.

On Saturday, June 15, during a speech in Detroit, Trump stated, "You know, I got the ‘Man of the Year’ in Michigan. Years ago, long before politics, like 12, 13 years ago."


Despite his repeated assertions, this claim remains unsubstantiated. Here we delve into the details surrounding this assertion, examining evidence and statements to determine its validity.

Donald Trump revives claim that he was named 'Man of the Year' in Michigan long before he ventured into politics

Trump’s proclamation of receiving a "Man of the Year" award in Michigan predates his political career by over a decade, according to his narrative.

During a rally in New Hampshire, the former president declared, "For many many years nobody won Michigan as a Republican. But I used to complain and you know I just — I’d go there and I’d say, they’re stealing your car business. I go, for years. In fact, five or six years before I even thought about running, for whatever reason they named me ‘Man of the Year’ in Michigan."

He added, "I said, ‘How come?’ I didn’t even understand it myself. But I was named ‘Man of the Year.’ I wasn’t even political. That was years before I did this. But I was always complaining that our car business is being stolen."

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump reacts during a campaign event at the Whittemore Center Arena on December 16, 2023 in Durham, New Hampshire. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
Donald Trump has been accused of making misleading claims at his campaign rallies (Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

Evidence that Donald Trump's claim of winning a 'Man of the Year' in Michigan is unfounded 

Lack of supporting documentation

Investigations by multiple media outlets, including CNN, have failed to uncover any evidence supporting Trump’s claim. Michigan does not have a state-sanctioned "Man of the Year" award, and there is no public record of the ex-POTUS receiving such an honor from any private organization or institution within the state.

Trump’s campaign did not provide any proof when asked by CNN, and no concrete details about the award ceremony, including the awarding body or the date, have been disclosed by Trump himself.

Statements from former Michigan Rep Dave Trott

Dave Trott, a former Republican congressman from Michigan, offers the most plausible explanation for Trump’s claim. Trott contacted CNN in 2019 after Trump reiterated his story, suggesting that the White House hopeful might be referring to a 2013 Lincoln Day dinner event in Oakland County, Michigan, where he was invited to speak.

Trott, who chaired the event, presented Trump with a framed copy of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and other tokens but explicitly stated that no "Man of the Year" award was given.

(US House)
Dave Trott said Donald Trump might be referring to a 2013 Lincoln Day dinner event when speaking of the 'Man of the Year' award (US House Office of Photography)

The former lawmaker further explained his reluctance to correct Trump’s story during a 2017 roundtable with automotive executives due to his position as a sitting congressman at the time. He insisted that the MAGA leader's narrative did not align with the facts of the event.

"I wasn’t going to correct the president in front of the automotive executives. But now that I’m out of Congress, I feel comfortable correcting the story," said Trott. 

Republican group's 'Man of the Decade' award

In 2023, the Oakland County Republican Party bestowed its first-ever "Man of the Decade" award upon Trump, which he acknowledged during his recent speech in Detroit. Nonetheless, Trump made it clear that this was not the award he referenced, insisting that he had received a "Man of the Year" award more than a decade ago.

The ex-POTUS has been leveraging this claim as part of his broader narrative about his longstanding support for the American automotive industry and his critical stance on trade policies affecting Michigan.

When was the first time Donald Trump mentioned that he received a 'Man of the Year' award in Michigan?

The earliest recorded mention of the "Man of the Year" award was during a campaign speech on November 6, 2016, in Sterling Heights, Michigan.

"I’ve been fighting for the car industry for years," remarked Trump at the time, adding, "I was honored five years ago, ‘Man of the Year' in Michigan. That was a great honor for me. And during my speech, all I talked about is what Mexico and these other countries are doing to us, and especially what they’re doing to Michigan."

He continued, "That’s all I talked about. And I was criticized. They said, 'Donald, speak about something else'. I said, 'No, what’s happening is horrible. What’s happening is terrible.' One of the main reasons I ran for president is to stop it."

Trump’s claim fits into his pattern of using anecdotes to bolster his image as a champion of the working class and key industries, such as automotive manufacturing. However, the lack of verifiable evidence casts doubt on the veracity of this particular claim.

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