‘He is a clown’: Donald Trump ridiculed after he confuses Jan 6 riot ‘suspects’ with Russian spies during Christian faith conference speech

‘He is a clown’: Donald Trump ridiculed after he confuses Jan 6 riot ‘suspects’ with Russian spies during Christian faith conference speech
Donald Trump appeared to have confused different stories while giving shout-out to Barry Loudermilk during Faith and Freedom Coalition (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: On Saturday, June 22, former President Donald Trump at an event in Washington gave a somewhat confused version of a story involving one of his congressional allies while giving shout-outs to lawmakers in attendance.

Per the Independent, the 2024 presumptive Republican presidential nominee spoke at the ‘Road to Majority’ conference organized by the Faith and Freedom Coalition at the Washington Hilton.

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The 78-year-old MAGA strongman was there to highlight his supposed Christian credentials, including his role in appointing three conservative Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v Wade and his support for recent Louisiana legislation requiring public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom.

What did Donald Trump say during his speech at ‘Road to Majority’ conference?

During his opening remarks, former President Trump thanked the audience for their support, specifically mentioning one Republican congressman, and then he seemed to confuse some important elements of a story about him.

Trump said, “Thanks also to Congressman — he’s fantastic — Barry Loudermilk is here someplace… Is here someplace. He’s doing a fantastic job with all of the things they said he walked through with Russian spies or something.”


“It turned out to be constituents — young children. These people are sick people,” he remarked.

Donald Trump seemed to be alluding to allegations against Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), suggesting he aided individuals who entered the Capitol on January 6, 2021, by providing them with an atypical tour of the complex the day before.

In 2022, the January 6 House Select Committee, which is investigating the Capitol riot, released video evidence showing Loudermilk guiding a tour group that documented and photographed "areas of the complex not typically of interest to tourists, including hallways, staircases, and security checkpoints."

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Video footage released by the committee seemed to depict the GOP congressman, wearing a facemask, leading the tour through the House office buildings.

At one point, he paused to converse with some members of the group, while a man seemed to be taking a photograph of a stairwell.

“Individuals on the tour photographed and recorded areas of the complex not typically of interest to tourists,” wrote the committee's chairman, Democrat Bennie Thompson, in a letter to Loudermilk.

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“The January 5, 2021 tour raises concerns about their activity and intent,” Rep Thompson noted in his letter.

Some of those who were part of the tour were accused of participating in the violence the following day and of making threats against Democratic lawmakers.

In response, Rep. Loudermilk explained that the tourists were taking pictures of children's art on display at the Capitol complex, rather than the tunnels and other sensitive areas.

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First elected to Congress in 2014 and a steadfast supporter of former President Trump, Loudermilk also backs Trump's unfounded claim that the 2020 election was rigged.

Nevertheless, it remains unclear why the ex-commander-in-chief incorporated Russian spies into his retelling of the story.

Internet lambasted Donald Trump after ex-POTUS confused Jan 6 riot ‘suspects’ with Russian spies

One X user remarked, "I don’t think anyone ever said it was Russians. I’m pretty sure we’ve always known it was participants of the insurrection. AKA: domestic terrorist."


Another user said, "This is the first I’m hearing of Loudermilk being a Russian asset, but Trump’s denial = confirmation."


Another user wrote, "Yes, and constituents stormed the capitol, not Russians. See how that little tour might be worrisome?"


One X user claimed, "They were taking pictures of places in the capital that aren't allowed to regular people. they were not just regular tourists. Loudermilk betrayed us."


Another user argued, "We saw the video and photos of his "constituents". They were doing recon."


Another user quipped, "Wouldn’t doubt if there were Russian spies there."


Another user tweeted, "I have NO idea what the heck he just said here."



Finally, this user argued, "Trump is a clown. His makeup should be white grease paint and a red nose."

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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