House Democrats' plan to counter Trump's 'Project 2025' with congressional task force leaves Internet divided

House Democrats' plan to counter Trump's 'Project 2025' with congressional task force leaves Internet divided
House Democrats launch congressional task force to counter former President Donald Trump’s proposed 'Project 2025' policy plans. (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: A proposed agenda for a potential second presidential term by Donald Trump includes a wide range of conservative policy proposals outlined in a 920-page document called ‘Project 2025’ provided by the far-right Heritage Foundation.

This comprehensive blueprint, crafted by over 400 conservative hardliners, aims to replace federal civil servants with individuals aligned with the former president's agenda.

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Some of the proposed policies, such as reintroducing firing squads, deporting 11 million immigrants out of the US, nationwide abortion restrictions, and deploying U.S. troops against its own citizens are considered too extreme.

Despite not explicitly stating his adherence to Project 2025, the 77-year-old MAGA strongman's rhetoric and actions suggest a willingness to embrace its contents.

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This has prompted House Democrats to initiate a new congressional task force in anticipation of a scenario where Donald Trump secures a second term and implements substantial changes within the federal government by replacing existing staff with his ever-ardent MAGA supporters.

What is new congressional task force strategized by House Democrats?

The new congressional task force, aptly named, ‘Stop Project 2025 Task Force’ has two distinct objectives: to inform the American public about how dangerous a second Trump term would be and to do everything possible from a legislative standpoint to prepare for the worst.

Per HuffPost, Rep Jared Huffman (D-Calif) who suggested the novel idea for the congressional task force, said, “We have to mount the resistance in real time. If we’re caught off guard by it, we’re going to be too late.”

“This time they’ve figured it out,” the California Democrat remarked, adding. “They’re going to be coming fast and furious.”

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Congressman Huffman announced that the task force will collaborate in organizing a series of public forums with think tanks and scholars leading up to the November 5th election.

Each session will be facilitated by a different Democratic lawmaker, focusing on specific sections of the Project 2025 policy book, compiled by the conservative Heritage Foundation.

The Golden State lawmaker highlighted that most Americans are unaware of former President Trump's potential agenda if re-elected, emphasizing that awareness would likely lead to disapproval.

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Additionally, he noted that Trump's administration could advance many of its initiatives even before the inauguration, citing the team's vetting and selecting individuals for key positions.

“For people who think something like ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ could never happen here, I think it’s happening in real time,” Huffman cautioned. “I believe we’re really close to having our democracy replaced by a dystopian, right-wing theocracy.”

Who else is in Democratic task force?

Members of the ‘Stop Project 2025 Task Force’ include Reps. Ted Lieu (Calif), vice chair of the House Democratic Caucus; Nanette Barragán (Calif), chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus; Judy Chu (Calif), chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus; Mark Pocan (Wis), chair of the Equality Caucus and Labor Caucus; Diana DeGette (Colo), co-chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus; Jamie Raskin (Md.), co-chair of the Congressional Freethought Caucus; and Pramila Jayapal (Wash), chair of the Progressive Caucus.

In addition to House Democrats, concerns regarding the public's awareness of Trump's day-one agenda extend beyond Washington.

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National Security Action, an advocacy group led by foreign policy experts from the Obama administration, has released a new issue paper titled ‘American Carnage.’

The paper raises concerns about Trump's national security agenda, highlighting his potential plans to withdraw from NATO, initiate hostilities in Mexico, conduct mass executions, withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, and pardon violent extremists involved in the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Michael McFaul, a political science professor at Stanford University and the former ambassador to Russia under President Barack Obama, said, “People should be alarmed.”

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“Our greatest comparative advantage over adversaries in the world, including Russia and China, is we have allies. That has served us well,” McFaul asserted, adding. “Trump doesn’t believe in allies. He wants to challenge that. That’s why it’s so disruptive.”

November 5 will be “one of the most important elections since the 1930s for the trajectory of what the United States is going to do in the world,” claimed the former ambassador. “Trying to go it alone wasn’t a great idea in the 1930s, but trying to do it in the 21st century has radically negative consequences for our country.”

Wendy Sherman, who previously served as the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State and was the first woman to hold this position, emphasized President Biden's frequent discussions about democracy, noting that it serves as a reminder of the potential loss of freedoms and democracies, even when people may not realize it.

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“It’s to remind people that, without you even being aware of it, you can lose your freedoms,” she remarked. “You can lose your democracies.”

Sherman pointed out that most individuals are likely not currently focused on the upcoming election in November. Therefore, she stressed the importance of lawmakers, journalists, and others continually articulating the threat posed by former President Trump's plans for the nation.

“It’s just critical that there is information, information, information,” Sherman added. “People all of a sudden will say, ‘A-ha, this is serious. This is what’s really at stake here.’”

Internet abuzz as House Democrats formulate congressional task force to counter Trump's 'Project 2025' plans 

One X user suggested, "It’s about time we form a counter attack. @HouseDemocrats contact some of the retired military leaders and consult with them. This is the coldest of Cold Wars, and it’s the worst kind because it’s between American citizens."


Another user remarked, "Oooh a task force! That will show them. JFC Stand up & fight Dems!!!!"


Another user said, "Everyone should be absolutely terrified of #Project2025."


One X user claimed, "Something desperately needs to be done but seems a little late. I'll vote and get others to do the same, but it seems like the GOP is putting the pieces in place to rig the election via Supreme Court and House/Senate. They're not going to stop unless someone stops them."


Another user wrote, "Thank goodness! Every citizen of the United States MUST learn about the anti-democracy republican, billionaire project 2025 plan to make our gov cease to function! We MUST vote to save our democracy in Nov. VOTE BLUE ONLY!"


Finally, this user tweeted, "Guess better late than never. Should've been in the works ages ago."



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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