Jimmy Kimmel mocks Donald 'Draft Dodger Don' Trump for botched veterans tribute on D-Day anniversary

Jimmy Kimmel mocks Donald 'Draft Dodger Don' Trump for botched veterans tribute on D-Day anniversary
Jimmy Kimmel took a shot at former President Donald Trump on the 80th anniversary of D-Day (JimmyKimmelLIve/YouTube, Getty Images)

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY: On June 7 episode of 'Jimmy Kimmel Live', the late-night host highlighted Donald Trump's seemingly "respectful" message dedicated to the troops after the former POTUS recently paused his usual posts about his legal issues to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day and honor veterans.

Trump wrote on Truth Social, “Today, we honor the immortal heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago. The men of D-Day will live forever in history as among the bravest, noblest, and greatest Americans ever to walk the earth. They shed their blood, and thousands gave their lives, in defense of American Freedom. They are in our hearts today and for all time.” However, Kimmel remained skeptical of the former president's message.


Jimmy Kimmel skewers Donald Trump for self-absorption

While Kimmel, referring to the former POTUS as "Draft Dodger Don," acknowledged the kind message, he noted that just 12 hours earlier, Trump was more focused on his own legal troubles, having recently been found guilty of 34 counts of business fraud.

"I agree with and would even be somewhat moved by [this],” Kimmel said, “had he not 12 hours earlier posted, ‘What I’ve gone through, no one has ever gone through…I have been under siege',” quoting one of Trump’s recent Truth Social posts.



The host also mentioned that Trump was slated to be in Beverly Hills that evening for a donor event “with a collections basket.”

Trump has previously sparked criticism for his remarks about veterans, notably when he reportedly referred to US service members as "suckers" and "losers," as outlined in a 2020 report from The Atlantic.

Former White House chief of staff John Kelly later affirmed these statements.

Jimmy Kimmel mocks potential Donald Trump running mates as 'boot-licking slugs'

Kimmel then targeted the potential candidates Trump is considering for his running mate. After highlighting that many of these individuals had previously dismissed the idea of working with Trump, Kimmel didn't hold back in criticizing their change of heart.

“How are they not ashamed of themselves? At least Tim Scott has been kissing up to him from day one. The rest of them are such spineless, boot-licking slugs,” Kimmel remarked.

Despite his recent conviction, Trump remains eligible to run for president and, if elected, hold office. However, there is a possibility he may not be allowed to vote in the election due to his status as a convicted felon.

Donald Trump (Getty Images)
Donald Trump has faced backlash for his comments on veterans in the past (Getty Images)

Conversely, while the former U.S. president is now prohibited from carrying a concealed weapon, he could still have control over the nation's nuclear arsenal if reelected.

“It’s pretty crazy, a guy who’s not allowed to carry a concealed weapon, would be allowed to carry a nuclear weapon,” Kimmel joked. “This is like your parents saying, ‘You know what, you can’t have a puppy, but if you get good grades, we’ll buy you a werewolf.’”

He added, “Now, if he wants to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, he’s going to have to do it with a crossbow.” 

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