'Just a distraction': Internet divided as RFK Jr labels Biden 'much worse threat to democracy' than Trump

'Just a distraction': Internet divided as RFK Jr labels Biden 'much worse threat to democracy' than Trump
Robert F Kennedy Jr labeled President Joe Biden a greater threat to democracy than Donald Trump (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has claimed that President Joe Biden is "a much worse threat to democracy" than former President Donald Trump, reported CNN.

The remark made on Monday, April 1, during an interview on CNN's 'Erin Burnett OutFront' stemmed from his legal battle against the Biden administration for blocking him from social media platforms, which Kenndey called a measure to "censor political speech" and sabotage the First Amendment rights.

"I can make the argument that President Biden is the much worse threat to democracy, and the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history – the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to censor his opponent," the independent presidential contender said.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 20: US President Joe Biden gives his Inauguration speech after being sworn
President Joe Biden's administration has restricted RFK Jr.'s social media accounts (Getty Images)

RFK Jr fumes at Biden admin's social media censorship

Kenndey, the nephew of former President John F Kennedy, filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration for restricting his social media accounts in 2021. The censorship was made after he posted false claims linking baseball legend Hank Aaron's death to Covid-19 vaccine complications. 

In March, Kennedy won an injunction, which was later stayed due to two impending Supreme Court rulings on Biden White House's illegal coercion of social media companies to censor accounts for spreading misinformation about the pandemic.

According to the White House hopeful, though both Biden and Trump are ill-suited for a second term, the former's weaponization of federal agencies has turned him into a greater threat.

ORLANDO, FLORIDA - FEBRUARY 28:  Former U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the Conservative Polit
RFK Jr. claimed Donald Trump was ill-suited for a second presidential term (Getty Images)

"I think that is a threat to democracy, (Trump) overthrowing — trying to overthrow the election clearly is threat to democracy," Kennedy said, arguing, "But the question was, who is a worse threat to democracy? And what I would say is … I'm not going to answer that question. But I can argue that President Biden is because the First Amendment, Erin, is the most important."

"I'm not going to defend President Trump on that, and it was appalling. And there's many things that President Trump has done that that are appalling," he added.


The Democratic National Committee slammed Kennedy's remarks, stating "there is no comparison" between the incumbent and his predecessor, and defended the social media ban, pointing out he shared conspiracy theories online.

Despite slim chances of winning the election in November, the independent candidate could impact the outcome of the 2024 presidential election by taking away Biden's votes from battleground states, paving the way for Trump's victory. Issues related to freedom of speech are a top focus of Kennedy's campaign against the major party candidates.

BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 29: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy,
Freedom of speech is Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s central focus (Getty Images)

RFK Jr splits internet with his views 

Kennedy, labeling Biden as a greater threat to democracy than Trump, stirred a debate online, splitting social media users into two groups. While one side entirely supported the independent candidate, another accused him of working for Republicans.

One user remarked, "What a comeback!!" Whereas another person said, "That’s because RFK Jr is a Republican!"



"He is right! Biden is showing his true colors with his attempt to censor and attack his political opponent! Even independents can see through this!" a third user added.


A fourth response criticized RFK Jr, remarking, "Says the man who own family is not supporting him."


"He’s 100% correct on this," someone else chimed in. While an individual claimed, "Just giving trolls a pay day with ridiculous posts like this. RFK gets a big chunk of campaign funding from Republicans. Just another clown."



Another person said, "Well he's definitely correct about that!" Meanwhile one response read, "He is just a distraction, he is trying to sway biden voters his way so trump could win, sir bye."



"That's how you can tell whom he works for," a user added. Another one said, "RFK speaks the TRUTH!!!"



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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