Trump endorses Tim Sheehy over Freedom Caucus Rep Matt Rosendale in Montana Senate primary, Internet deems it 'kiss of death'

Trump endorses Tim Sheehy over Freedom Caucus Rep Matt Rosendale in Montana Senate primary, Internet deems it 'kiss of death'
Donald Trump (L) endorsed Tim Sheehy (C) over Rep Matt Rosendale (R) in the Montana GOP Senate primary (Getty Images, Wikimedia Commons, Representative Matt Rosendale/Facebook)

HELENA, MONTANA: Former President Donald Trump endorsed ex-Navy SEAL and millionaire businessman Tim Sheehy in the 2024 GOP Senate primary in Montana over hard-right House Freedom Caucus Rep Matt Rosendale, reported Mediaite.

The presidential Republican frontrunner announced his endorsement on his Truth Social platform on Friday, February 9.

"I LOVE MONTANA! Tim Sheehy is an American Hero and highly successful Businessman from the Great State of Montana. He is strongly supported by our incredible Chairman of the NRSC, Steve Daines, and many other patriotic Senators and Republicans who have endorsed our Campaign to, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" Trump wrote.


The Republican candidates are competing for the seat currently held by Democratic Senator John Tester. This seat is widely regarded as one of the top targets for the GOP in the 2024 elections.

Staunch Trump ally Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene also endorsed Sheehy for the primary race in late January.

Trump claims Tim Sheehy is 'best-positioned' to defeat incumbent

The ex-President substantiated his endorsement to Sheehy over his long-term ally Rosendale stating the former Navy SEAL was "best-positioned to DEFEAT Lazy Jon Tester and Regain the Republican Majority in the United States Senate."

Trump also expressed his respect for Rosendale but added he would endorse the Representative only if he chose to run for his congressional seat.

Donald Trump claimed only Tim Sheehy can defeat Montana's incumbent Democratic Senator (@SheehyforMT/X)

According to The New York Times report, the former President backed Rosendale when he first ran against Tester in 2018, but the endorsement did not lead to success.

Furthermore, the Congressman was late in endorsing Trump's 2024 presidential bid. He announced his support only in December 2023, a move slammed by Georgia Congresswoman Greene.

"Tim is a Political Outsider, Strong on the Border, the Military/Vets, and our constantly under siege Second Amendment. He will stand tall in the fight against the Radical Left Democrats, who are Destroying our Country. Also, he is far more likely to Defeat Lazy Jon. America First Patriot Tim Sheehy has my Complete and Total Endorsement!" Trump's Truth Social post read.

Rep. Matt Rosendale endorsed Donald Trump for President in December 2023 (@MattForMontana/X)
Rep Matt Rosendale endorsed Donald Trump for President in December 2023 (@MattForMontana/X)

The Montana Senate primary is scheduled to take place on June 4, 2024

Internet points out Trump endorsement is a 'kiss of death'

Netizens mocked Trump's endorsement, pointing out that any candidate the ex-President supports would face defeat.

One user wrote, "Nice. Kiss of death."


Another user expressed a similar opinion, remarking, "Trump Senate endorsements are the kiss of death. Just look at Georgia."


"Hopefully Montana rejects Trump's interference in their U.S. Senate pick. The GOP needs more conservatives, not more establishment Trump toady's," a third respose read.


A Facebook user said, "That's not good, anyone trump endorses loses that's why Republicans have lost every election since 2016. Trump will eventually say he didn't endorse him when he loses or does something he doesn't like just like he did with Lankford, Trump's endorsement has been the kiss of death for many candidates SAD!"

"With Trump's endorsement, victory seems rather elusive, doesn't it?" read a second comment.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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