'Vladimir Putin’s best friends’: 'Morning Joe' co-hosts accuse Donald Trump and Mike Johnson of aiding Putin in Russian advances on Ukraine

'Vladimir Putin’s best friends’: 'Morning Joe' co-hosts accuse Donald Trump and Mike Johnson of aiding Putin in Russian advances on Ukraine
During a recent segment on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' Donald Trump and Mike Johnson were squarely blamed for Russia's recent advances into Ukrainian territory (MSNBC/Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: During a recent segment on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' the Republican Party was squarely blamed for Russia's recent advances into Ukrainian territory, with co-hosts specifically targeting Donald Trump and Mike Johnson as "Vladimir Putin's best friends."

The discussion, which included on-the-ground reporting from NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel, delved into the implications of stalled aid for Ukraine in Congress amid the advancing Russian forces.

Insights from the ground

Reporting directly from Ukraine, Engel provided insights into the dire situation confronting Ukrainian forces: "Shortages of ammunition are now so extreme that they’re counting bullets. They are rationing their artillery rounds. They are rationing the regular ammunition that they put into their rifles."

“Once you start losing territory and once you start having to go on the back foot and retreat, you can lose territory quite quickly,” Engel added in his report.

Highlighting the urgency of the situation, co-host Willie Geist emphasized the visible lack of aid and President Zelenskyy's desperate plea to the United States and Congress for assistance. 

He said, "President Zelenskyy is desperately asking the United States and this Congress to get some aid in their direction"

Scarborough calls Trump and Johnson 'Vladimir Putin's best friend'

The conversation took an accusatory turn as Joe Scarborough placed blame on the Republican Party, particularly Trump and Johnson, saying, "The hypocrisy of these Trumpers who always b***h and moan about other countries not doing their fair share, not doing their part."

Scarborough went on to accuse Trump and Johnson of hindering aid efforts, asserting, "Right now, it is Donald Trump and Mike Johnson who are aiding and assisting. Right now, those two people are Vladimir Putin’s best friends, not only in the United States but across the world."


Trump and Johnson's crucial influence on aid for Ukraine amid Russian invasion

Scarborough underscored the significant influence that Trump and Johnson hold in deciding whether Congress approves aid to support Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

He concluded, "Those two people are what stands between Congress passing aid and not passing aid to help the Ukrainian people push back on a Russian invasion that just unleashed one human rights violation after another."

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