'Worldwide security risk': Joe Biden sparks fury as his administration pushes European allies not to rebuke Iran over nuclear program

'Worldwide security risk': Joe Biden sparks fury as his administration pushes European allies not to rebuke Iran over nuclear program
Biden administration's officials have been working behind the scenes to convince European allies to abstain from the Iran censure vote (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden's administration ignited a firestorm of outrage online with its reported attempts to stop European allies from censuring Iran over its contentious nuclear program during a crucial international meeting next week.

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, US officials are allegedly trying to prevent European nations from rebuking Iran at the upcoming International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) member-state meeting scheduled for early June.

Joe Biden's admin urges allies to not censure Iran over its nuclear program

Britain and France have been leading the push to censure Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) upcoming member-state meeting.

However, as per the Journal, US officials have been working behind the scenes to convince these allies to abstain from the vote. Despite these reports, US officials denied lobbying against the censure.

The IAEA recently released a report that raised alarm bells worldwide as it revealed that Iran's stockpile of 60 percent highly enriched uranium had reached unprecedented levels.

Top officials warn that Tehran could convert that uranium into weapons-grade fuel within a matter of days – a deeply concerning scenario for the US and other Western powers.

For years, the US and its allies in Europe and the Middle East have worked tirelessly to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. The Obama administration brokered a nuclear deal with Iran, which was later dismantled by the Trump administration.

NATANZ, IRAN - MARCH 30:  An Iranian nuclear power plant stands March 30, 2005 some 200 miles (322 k
According to the IAEA, Iran's stockpile of 60 percent highly enriched uranium reached unprecedented levels (Getty Images)

The Biden administration has since been advocating for a diplomatic resolution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. A high-ranking official stated that the US was "tightly coordinated" with European allies, dismissing speculation about the resolution as "premature."

Kelsey Davenport, director for nonproliferation policy at the Arms Control Association, emphasized the need for a balanced approach, stating, "The board needs to send a message to Iran that there are consequences for stonewalling."

She further added, "But it needs to be part of a broader strategy. The goal should be pressuring and incentivizing Iran to cooperate with the IAEA and expand their access." Despite Iran's claims that its nuclear program is solely for civilian purposes, the country has consistently refused to allow the IAEA to investigate undeclared nuclear materials.

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 24: U.S. President Joe Biden gestures as he delivers remarks on his admin
The Biden administration has been advocating for a diplomatic resolution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions (Getty Images)

Joe Biden's admin's stance on Iran censure vote sparks fury online

The internet exploded with outrage following reports of the Biden administration's stance on the Iran censure vote. One user on Facebook called Biden a "national disgrace and a worldwide security risk." Another remarked, "Biden is obsessed with getting that Bad Nuke Deal with Iran back in place that they will do anything to not upset Iran."

"Quid Pro Joe is the domestic enemy we were warned about," a user wrote, while another stated, "Biden's administration just wants to see the US burn to the ground!"

"Democrats turning their backs on America's allies, doing what they said Trump would do," wrote one user. Another warned, "We cannot re-elect this guy. Biden's policies will be the end of this country."

A  user asserted, "Biden is nothing more than a traitor to our country. Protecting the evil enemy instead of our own." Another user echoed this sentiment, describing Biden as "The puppet continuing to appease a terrorist regime!"

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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