Internet mocks First Lady Jill Biden as she rips into Donald Trump over abortion rights at 'Women for Biden' event

Internet mocks First Lady Jill Biden as she rips into Donald Trump over abortion rights at 'Women for Biden' event
First Lady Jill Biden launched a scathing attack on former President Donald Trump over abortion rights (Getty Images)

ATLANTA, GEORGIA: First Lady Jill Biden launched a scathing attack on her husband President Joe Biden's opponent, Donald Trump, at the inaugural 'Women for Biden' event held in Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday, March 1.

In particular, she scrutinized the ex-POTUS' stance on the issue of abortion rights, which poses a significant point of contention between Democrats and Republicans going into the November 2024 general election.

"Donald Trump is dangerous to women and to our families. We simply cannot let him win," said the FLOTUS to rapturous applause from the crowd.

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Jill Biden slams Donald Trump for considering a national abortion ban

Members of the Democratic Party have been leveraging the issue of abortion to galvanize their support base, according to Daily Mail. The strategy proved to be effective in the 2022 midterm elections, enabling the Dem candidates to exceed expectations, primarily owing to the inclusion of abortion rights issues in the ballot.

Talking about Trump, the First Lady, who remains the most ardent defender of her husband's presidential record, said, "He spent a lifetime tearing us down and devaluing our existence. He mocks women's bodies, disrespects our accomplishments, and brags about assault. Now he's bragging about killing Roe v Wade."

She was referring to statements made by the former president during an interview with Fox News on February 29, where he said, "More and more, I'm hearing 15 weeks, and I haven't decided yet. Also, we got it back to the states where it belongs," to Sean Hannity.

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Reversing Roe v Wade and returning abortion rights choices to the states is a move that the former POTUS has claimed responsibility for.

However, Jill is now raising the stakes against Trump, as the 77-year-old appears to be the most likely Republican nominee set for a rematch between himself and the 81-year-old incumbent in November.

During the 'Women for Biden' event, she mentioned, "My husband is the author of the Violence Against Women Act. As I saw him write that bill on reams of yellow legal paper by hand, and he spent his entire career lifting up women." 

The first lady assured that the POTUS "is defending reproductive rights, fighting for a national law that would restore Roe's protections ... And yes, that means protecting IVF and access to contraception," referencing the Alabama Supreme Court's contentious decision on IVF. 

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Drawing comparisons to Trump, Jill said that the former president "just last night, he took credit again, for enabling states like Georgia to pass cruel abortion bans that are taking away the right of women to make their own health care decisions. How far will he go? When will he stop? You know the answer. He won't."

She asserted, "He said it himself last night in his own words. He's considering a national abortion ban."

First Lady Jill is on a three-day campaign tour to inaugurate the 'Women for Biden' event. Following her visit to Georgia, she will proceed to other states that are considered battlegrounds, such as Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin.

"Women put Joe Biden in the White House," told the enthusiastic throng in Atlanta.

She explained the reason for initiating the 'Women for Biden' event in the Peach State was because "Georgia put us in the White House."

Georgia was won by the POTUS in the 2020 election, making him the first Democrat since Bill Clinton to secure the state. Despite this, Trump falsely claimed to have won the state and apparently attempted to overturn the election results for which he faces both federal and state charges.

During the event, Jill took a moment to appreciate and encourage young women who were present, especially those who would be voting in their first election this year, and urged them to support her husband.

Internet mocks Jill Biden as she attacks Donald Trump during 'Women for Biden' event

Soon after First Lady Jill's comments about Trump's stance on abortion rights came to light, netizens wasted no time in ridiculing the POTUS' wife. 

One asked, "Who's running, Jill or Joe?" Another said, "This woman is disgusting!"

A person declared, "Matriarch of a shameless family," while someone else quipped, "The fact that his wife has to campaign for him."

An individual remarked, "So she gonna do all the talking and walking while he naps?"






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